17 Simple Ideas for healthy breakfast

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    17 Simple Ideas for healthy breakfast

    Why breakfast

    has breakfast really is that good body?

    The short answer is yes, but only if you are feeding your body the right foods.

    If you are in the office or in the gym early in the morning, breakfast is essential for good health of your body and your mind.

    His first meal of the day builds energy and gives your body the fuel it needs to stay loaded for the rest of your morning.

    Not to mention the fact that fills your body with all the nutrients needed to make you feel happy and healthy.

    Of course, breakfast is only what you make of it.

    eating a giant bowl of cereal or chocolate rolls filled with highly refined nutrients, low will not have that healthy impact you are looking for.

    Instead, be sure to get a healthy breakfast full of a fair mix of fiber, protein and calcium, and is preparing for a big day ahead.

    In this article we will share why breakfast is important, many benefits of eating breakfast every day, and 17 deliciously easy, healthy recipes for breakfast that will have excited to get out of bed in the morning.

    mixed fruit healthy breakfast

    The benefits of eating breakfast

    your body is unique and is the only one you get in this life; Why not take care of it to the best of their ability?

    Skipping breakfast is as if deliberately harm your body. According to a 2011 survey by NPD, 10% of Americans skip breakfast every day. ( 1 )

    is not exactly a habit you want to imitate. It is not yet sold on the idea of ​​breaking the fast?

    Here are 3 amazing examples of why you should eat a healthy breakfast every morning:

    1. good for your physical health

    NPD study found that more than 31 million Americans skip out on breakfast each day, with males being the most likely culprits.

    Skipping breakfast can have a huge impact on your physical health.

    According to a study by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the risk of type 2 diabetes increases when you skip breakfast regularly.

    Similarly, this study shows that a healthy diet can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, especially in men aged 45 to 80.

    Give your body the energy it needs and combat health problems in the future, such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes to eat a healthy breakfast every morning. ( 2 )


    1. helps maintain and down weight

    whether you're a fitness buff or just looking to maintain a healthy body, breakfast will be your new best friend.

    Not only breakfast, literally "break the fast" sleep and get your metabolism running again , but studies show that those who choose healthy options for breakfast, often eat healthier meals for the day.

    Some studies even suggest that participating in a healthy breakfast are more likely to weight loss than those that the first meal of the day is skipped.

    Obesity is a growing concern; a healthy breakfast can start your routine food out on the right track.

    According to a 2011-12 study, the number of adults overweight or obese in the United States reached a record high of 68.6%, with equally fatal in childhood obesity rates ( 3 ).

    This trend can be slowed, especially in children, by establishing healthy meals, including breakfast daily. ( 4 )

    1. good for mental health

    eating breakfast can actually make you smarter!

    Choose breakfast full of omega-3, iron, whole grains, antioxidants and fiber-rich foods to ensure a great source of the powers of the brain and increase energy ( 5 ) .

    Not only are these great health foods to keep your physical body, but also improve memory and cognitive functions support. ( 6 )

    oatmeal with fruits healthy breakfast

    Why people skip breakfast?

    So why do people skip breakfast if it is so good for them?

    If it is widely known that breakfast is the most important meal really, why so many people are deprived of this nutritious start to your day?

    NPD study breakfast cited as the most common reasons:

    1. Having very little time to prepare breakfast in the morning.
    2. Not being hungry enough for breakfast in the morning.
    3. Running late or be too busy to make a healthy breakfast.

    Other reasons include a weak stomach in the morning, no healthy foods easily available at home, and being too tired.

    Want to make sure you are giving your body the best chance for breakfast? Read on to see how you can make breakfast a regular part of your day.

    Breakfast Preparation Tips

    Now that you know how important it is to start day with a meal, it's time to put your plan in place and start benefiting emotionally, physically and mentally from their new breakfast routine.

    If you feel a little iffy about how to leave a healthy meal and filling every morning given his chaotic schedule, not issues.

    We are thinking in 4 ways to make your morning breakfast in a much easier to maintain habit.

    From food preparation to manage your expectations, here it is how you can make a healthy breakfast an incredibly realistic and easy part of your morning.

    • set realistic goals

    If you are making your goal to eat a healthy breakfast every day, make sure you are setting reasonable goals.

    Just do what you can do according to your schedule.

    For example, they will not have the time to prepare a meal large healthy luxury in the morning if you are in a time of crisis or if you have to get your kids to school in a hurry.

    The power does not reach your health goals every day can be discouraging, so combat this deterrent effect and excited achieve their goals breakfast.

    • Establish a plan in place

    Making breakfast every morning does not have to be a chore, nor should it be difficult or even take too long!

    begin their new vote of a healthy breakfast to make a schedule.

    Find out exactly how much time you have in the morning to prepare breakfast for you or for the whole family, and if you need more time to prepare lunch for their children before sending them to school.

    indicator or how long to get up, shower, get ready for work, while giving all the time necessary to make a selection of healthy breakfast for your body.

    • Preparation their advance meals

    One way easier to ensure that you have the time to grab some food every morning is doing some preparation of the meal the night before.

    This may include packaging of some simple pre-made meals such as boiled eggs or oatmeal overnight, and a processing and storage protein pancakes.

    Another option would be to mix together an omelet vegetables or a shake and store in the refrigerator for easy breakfast Grab-and-go every morning.

    • set an alarm

    Now that has passed by the process of preparing their meals to ensure you get a healthy and balanced breakfast in the morning, you'll want to set an alarm.

    After all, what is the point of going through all that food-prepping if you go to sleep through your first meal of the day?

    Okay, so it can be nice to sleep, but we promise you will enjoy waking up with an energizing sleep over breakfast for an additional 15 minutes.

    Breakfast does not have to be complicated with these simple steps.

    Soon, you will be a master of preparing breakfast and make healthier choices for your body.

    All you need are some fabulous recipes early in the morning to start.

    healthy eggs with boast breakfast

    17 Ideas Healthy Breakfast

    breakfast is part of a healthy diet.

    Now that you know why people skip and how to prepare your mind and body for breakfast every morning, it's time to give up the goods - Recipes

    We are looking at 18 healthy breakfast ideas that can make every morning.

    If your time to spare in the preparation of breakfast ranges from very short time a few minutes, we cover it.

    If you are looking for a quick bite and healthy breakfast, we have all the recipes you might want to start work tomorrow.

    Healthy Breakfast Ideas To-Go

    Does it have to be, showered and out the door at first morning?

    That still no reason to skip out on the most important meal of the day.

    These are the top 5 recipes you can take in the march for a breakfast hassle-no-muss.

    1. Breakfast Box

    A breakfast box is a quick and easy way to bring a full breakfast of healthy choices that can easily be taken on-the-go.

    This option breakfast can be prepared the night before or just a couple of minutes after waking up. Simply take a plastic container and pack your box:

    • 2 boiled eggs (156 combined calories)
    • 1 cup full immersion with 1 tablespoon peanut butter organic (100 calories)
    • 1 sliced ​​apple (116 calories)

    apples are also a great option for an on the go breakfast because they contain fiber that is useful to help the intestines and digestion ( 7 ).

    Apples also contain antioxidants that can help the body fight diabetes, heart disease, and may reduce the risk of cancer ( 8 ).

    This breakfast is not only healthy, it is a mere 372 calories!

    That's a healthy breakfast that can be taken on the fly and is packed with vitamins, healthy fats, amino acids, iron, protein and plenty to keep you energized throughout the day!

    Hardboiled Eggs as breakfast

    1. Hard boiled eggs

    boiled eggs are a great choice for breakfast.

    Eggs contain lots of nutrients needed to keep you going throughout the day.

    A large egg contains only 78 calories, 6.3 grams of protein, and is full of vitamin D, A, E, K, B12, B6, copper, iron and selenium.

    Egg whites are also full of healthy cholesterol.

    You can eat your boiled eggs on their own, in a salad, dipped with delicious toast points or puree in whole wheat bread.


    • Fill a small saucepan with two cups water and bring to a boil.
    • Once boiling, put the eggs carefully into the water.
    • not breaking eggs.
    • Boil the eggs for 12 minutes or until they begin to crack.
    • Let eggs cool completely and conch shell around it.

    * Council : older eggs are great for boiling hard because their shells are easier to peel. Usually, eggs are 7-10 days old will be perfect because the shell to peel will be achieved thinner over time.

    Carrot Cake Protein Shake

    1. Protein carrot cake Shake

    protein shakes are a fun way to have breakfast on the fly and avoid drinking calorie-more sugar in your local coffee shop.

    They are also a great way to sneak some fruits and vegetables in your diet tomorrow.

    The addition of protein powder to your morning smoothie is also great to help build muscle (for those who are all about life gym!) And feel full for longer periods of time .

    Make your protein shake uniquely yours by adding your favorite ingredients, along with a scoop of protein powder.

    Here is a delicious take on a protein shake.


    • 1 frozen banana
    • 1/2 cup carrot juice
    • 3/4 cup almond milk
    • 1 tablespoon vanilla protein powder
    • Dash cinnamon
    • handful of ice cubes

    Blend your shake until smooth and enjoy the 17 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber in this particular recipe you have to offer.


    1. healthy fruit and yogurt parfait

    A frozen dessert is an easy-go breakfast item that does not require much time or thought.

    This healthy snack tastes fresh and delicious, and can be for the night before a morning breakfast even easier.

    Make sure you are using Greek yogurt, unlike sugary distributor brands by creating Parfait.

    Greek yogurt has taken over as the new healthy way to make dairy products.

    Unlike other store brands mixable, Greek yogurt contains less sugar and carbohydrates and has more protein, vitamin B12, calcium, probiotics, and potassium.

    These are all great ingredients to have in the morning as feed your body. Some even use Greek yogurt as a food recovery training because it contains healthy proteins.


    Grab a glass jar for easy on-the-go manipulation and layer

    • 4 tablespoons Greek yogurt
    • berries, peaches, or fruit of your choice
    • 4 tablespoons Greek yogurt
    • More fruit

    Continue to layer to your heart's delight and top with some organic granola.

    Note: There are 20 grams of fat per 100 grams of granola. Some brands contain more sugar per serving than a can of Coca-Cola, so go easy on the granola. You can also make your own granola to ensure healthy ingredients are being used.

    Healthy Morning Muffins

    1. healthy muffins morning

    What is easier to grab a muffin when you're on the run in the morning?

    This is not only simple breakfast bagel to make and easy to eat, but is also delicious and pairs perfectly with your cup of coffee.

    is likely to grab a bun as she heads to the office anyway, why not make it healthy?

    This delicious recipe is easy to make and fully customizable.

    simply add any fruit or healthy ingredients of your choice for a personalized morning muffin.


    • 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
    • 1 cup rolled oats
    • 1/2 cup raisins
    • 1/2 cup dark brown sugar
    • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
    • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda sodium
    • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
    • 1/2 teaspoon coarse salt

    preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Mix dry ingredients until well blended and then start adding the wet ingredients.

    • 1/3 cup skim milk
    • 1 egg
    • 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
    • 4 grated carrots
    • 1 banana

    Stir until well combined, distributed in muffin tins and bake for 20-25 minutes or until toothpick inserted comes out clean.

    These deliciously healthy muffins are easy to make and store the night before 3 days in an airtight container. Happy breakfasting!

    The breakfasts prepared the night before

    If you're itching to get into the game breakfast, but doubts who has the time to get yourself organized morning breakfast then these are for you.

    healthy breakfast overnight oats

    1. Avena overnight

    There's a reason people have eaten oatmeal from the old days -. it is full of health benefits

    curbs oatmeal bad cholesterol and is full of fiber, which helps with digestive problems, feel full longer, and control of blood sugar ( 9 ).

    Keep away from packages of instant oatmeal and stick to the cut oats for potential health benefits.

    Who says you can not eat dessert for breakfast?

    Not only is this delicious recipe for oatmeal overnight has your mouth watering, your healthy proteins will give you the boost you need to keep going until lunch.


    In a glass jar can be sealed, add:

    • 1/2 cup pure, unsweetened puree pumpkin
    • Greek yogurt 1/2 fat or low-fat milk
    • 1 tablespoon sugar substitute such as Truvia or honey
    • steel 1/4 cup oatmeal cut
    • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon

    seat jar and shake or stir until the mixture is blended thoroughly. Refrigerate for 8 hours or overnight.

    The next morning, you simply change the top and enjoy!

    Blueberry Protein Pancakes Healthy

    1. blueberry pancakes protein

    protein pancakes have quickly made their way into the circle of training as a delicious way to eat clean.

    protein aids in the development of chemicals from the body and helps repair body tissues.

    also helps build bones, muscles, hair, nails, and this is just a small list of benefits!

    protein pancakes amazing taste, have relatively few ingredients to complain to, and can be eaten without guilt!

    This pancake mix can easily be done the night before, with fresh pancakes being prepared in the morning.

    Alternatively, you can even make the night before and refrigerate for reheating in the morning.


    • 1/2 cup oatmeal
    • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
    • 3 / 4 cup Greek yogurt
    • 1/2 tablespoon vanilla protein powder
    • 1/2 banana
    • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
    • 1 egg
    • 1/4 cup blueberries (fresh or frozen)

    for fast and easy assembly, combine all ingredients (except blueberries) in a blender and process until which is smooth.

    Add to the mix of blueberries completed.

    a skillet or griddle over medium heat oven is heated.

    cover the pan with low fat cooking spray.

    tablespoon of the mixture into the hot pan and wait until bubbles appear.

    Once the bubbles rise to the top of the cake, turn it around.

    will continue until its mass is gone. Feel free to sub out blueberries for your favorite fruit.

    Low Carb Broccoli Breakfast Casserole Breakfast

    1. Low Carb Broccoli breakfast casserole

    broccoli is delicious in many ways :. In a wok, roasted, mixed with pasta, sprinkled with cheese, and our favorite - mixed with eggs

    This casserole healthy breakfast, they have an easy low carb breakfast that is perfect for a quick meal by the morning.

    This healthy vegetarian contains folic acid, which is essential for the production of red blood cells.

    is also a carrier of potassium, which lowers the risk of stroke, heart problems, kidney disorders, high blood pressure, stress, and is essential to the functions of electrolytes and a healthy metabolism ( 10 ).

    Vitamins C and K are also found in broccoli.

    protect the immune system, contribute to skin health, cardiovascular diseases battle, calcium transport, aid in blood clotting and help the body to react to injury.

    Overall, the health benefits of this vegetable and delicious flavor make it the perfect food to start the day.


    • 6 eggs
    • 1 tablespoon low-fat milk
    • 1/2 cup broccoli
    • 1/2 cup low-fat cheese
    • Salt and pepper (to taste)

    preheat oven to 375 degrees F and grease a casserole.

    broccoli cook until you have reached your preferred tenderness.

    Opta steamed broccoli instead of boiling water - will retain more of their nutritional values ​​

    Once the broccoli is cooked, let it cool..

    In a separate bowl, mix eggs, milk, salt and pepper, and stir until well mixed. the egg mixture is poured into the pan.

    Add broccoli mixture to the casserole and sprinkle with low-fat cheese.

    Bake for 25 minutes until the surface is golden brown and eggs are fluffy.


    1. bites egg

    cupcake cooking cup madness is far from over, and these bites are delicious eggs proof that there is a reason that follows a trend.

    bites are a breakfast egg mixture or faster than can be done the night before reheat or cook early in the cool morning.

    Eggs are a great source of protein, vitamin B6, B12, D, zinc and iron.

    This article low calorie breakfast is very versatile lunch, and bites of these eggs are no exception.

    The red and green peppers in this recipe contain healthy antioxidants, beta-carotene and vitamin C.

    Eggs provide healthy proteins.

    The baby spinach is packed with vitamins (C, B1, K, A, E), as well as potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, protein, and more.

    These egg bites are a very healthy way to eat a delicious breakfast.


    • 1 cup spinach
    • 1/2 cup mushrooms
    • 1/2 cup red pepper
    • 1/2 cup onion
    • 1/2 cup green pepper
    • 1 clove garlic
    • 2 eggs
    • 2 egg whites
    • Salt and pepper (to taste)

    Start the egg rolls preheating the oven to 350 degrees F and Grease a muffin tin with spray low fat cooking.

    Chop the vegetables and set aside.

    Crack two eggs in a mixing bowl.

    grab another two eggs and crack, separating the yolk from the egg white.

    Add white part only in the bowl. Beat eggs until well mixed and then mix in your desired vegetables.

    Once mixed, pour in 6 muffin cups and bake for 15 minutes.

    egg bites appear robust when finished.

    These delicious bites breakfast will last 3-4 days when sealed and stored in the refrigerator.

    The post 17 Simple Ideas for healthy breakfast appeared first on http://www.well-beingsecrets.com/easy-healthy-breakfast-ideas-recipes/

    Thanks for Reading 17 Simple Ideas for healthy breakfast

    Thank you for reading this 17 Simple Ideas for healthy breakfast, hopefully can give benefits to all of you. well, see you in posting other articles.

    You are now reading the article 17 Simple Ideas for healthy breakfast Url Address https://exerciseplanstoloseweight.blogspot.com/2016/04/17-simple-ideas-for-healthy-breakfast.html

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