8 Benefits of Massage Therapy (reduce pain, speed healing + more)

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8 Benefits of Massage Therapy (reduce pain, speed healing + more)

Massage therapy - Dr. Axe

It is now estimated that in the US. UU. the industry of massage therapy generates more than $ 12 billion a year! Approximately 39.1 million American adults (18 percent of the total population) had a massage at least once in the previous year, according to the American Massage Therapy Association

not only therapy effective in helping relieve muscle pain and improve blood flow, which also functions as a powerful means massage reliever natural stress for many people. Today, a wide range of massage techniques used by therapists to help people overcome common health problems such as fibromyalgia, anxiety and arthritis. Massage techniques such as Swedish massage, massage spots and Reflexology are now commonly offered in places such as spas, yoga studios, hotels and chiropractic offices

Summary on massage :.

  • popularity of massage therapy is growing rapidly; each year about 20 percent more massages are performed over the previous year.
  • Estimates show that between 300,000 and 350,000 students trained masseurs or massage therapy in the United States.
  • There are over 250 different types of massages offered worldwide according to the Association of Professional massage and body. body massages provide different benefits depending on what the patient's goals are, but most have the same underlying principles.
  • The most popular massage places to perform are the customers of home / office, spa / beauty salon, a comprehensive health care setting, club setting health / athletic or franchise massage therapy.
  • Polls show that 52 percent of American adults who had a massage in 2015 received for medical or health reasons, such as pain management, pain / stiffness / spasms, injury rehabilitation or general well-being.
  • In 2015 more than 51 million American adults (16 percent) had discussed massage therapy with their doctors, and about 69 percent of their doctors or health professionals referred a therapist / masseuse highly recommended.
  • Some studies have found that up to 91 percent of people agree that a massage can be effective in pain reduction .
  • Massages are also very common for reducing stress and fatigue; 33 percent of consumers 2015 massage massage reduction relaxation / stress occurred.

What is massage therapy?

Massage therapy is defined as "manual manipulation of the muscular structure and soft tissues of the human body body (including muscle, connective tissue, tendons and ligaments)." "Modalities" of massage have been used for thousands of years by people living around the world as a means of treating ailments of the body naturally both mental and physical. ( 1 )

Today, scientific studies show that massage therapy improves functions of the lymphatic system , it helps regulate hormones and can prevent many injuries.

A brief history of massage:

throughout the history of massage has been used to improve recovery time, restore energy, manage stress and relieve body aches. The first records of massage date back more than 3,000 years in ancient China, and massage today is considered to be one of the oldest forms of "art of healing."

Many of the most influential cultures in the world have had their own specific therapies and techniques related to body massages that have been passed from generation to generation. This includes the ancient Greeks, Indians, Persians, Egyptians, French, Swedish, Thai, Indian, Japanese and Chinese. Today his teachings are continuing to push forward massage therapy practices of conventional medicine.

"massage" can mean many different things depending on who you ask. It is believed that the French call first the word "massage" to describe a healing practice kneading body. They believed that friction and pressure applied to certain areas in the body could provide benefits by breaking up scar tissue, even if you do not feel so comfortable at the time of massage in reality (the same idea as the form foam rolling works ).

In the West, massage has been a popular way to treat the body naturally since about the 1930s French is believed massage derived from the word Greek word "Masso" which meannt to knead with your hands. Hippocrates was said to have written articles recommending the use of rubbing and friction for joint and circulatory problems.

Another factor of major influence in the field of massage therapy was the ancient Chinese. massage techniques that include medical texts dating from centuries of pre-dynasty China, which could be used to relieve pain and discomfort and improving common energy flow. Throughout the history of therapy practice massage oriental medicine it has been prescribed in combination with holistic treatments such as yoga, meditation, Acupuncture and tai chi to improve welfare general.

Massage therapy guide - Dr. Axe

types of massage and massage techniques

There many different types of body massages offered today by a wide range of trained masseuses (and sometimes untrained). Some of the most common types include:

  • Swedish Massage: This is the most popular form of massage worldwide. It works by stimulating circulation and is five strokes of basic mixing (which can be done either soft / soft or firm), all flows to the heart to manipulate the soft tissues
  • Deep Tissue Massage :. these massages use / deep muscle movements deep tissue to affect the sub-layer of muscle and fascia. Usually they used to treat chronic muscular pain, injury rehabilitation and reducing inflammation-related disorders such as arthritis
  • Massage sports:. Sports massages are often performed on athletes to warm the body, improve blood flow to the muscle / tissue and help prevent or treat injuries. They are carried out before the event, after the event, and part of the preventive treatment plans
  • injury
  • prenatal massage :. pregnancy massage have been found to be effective and safe or mother and fetus. They are carried out usually with the wife of his hand and can help reduce the discomforts of pregnancy such as back pain or lower legs, along with the emotional well-being
  • Thai Massage :. Thai massage (also called nuad rarn bo) have been practiced in Thailand for over 2,500 years and often are included in sacred ceremonies. They are conducted on a firm mat on the floor instead of on a table, and kneading of features and positioning stimulates the tissues and organs in accordance with certain power lines
  • soft tissue beauty / output :. This method was developed in Europe to help treat athletes and runners. It works by placing the muscle in a certain position and gently manipulating them to extend in a very specific direction or plane
  • acupressure :. Acupressure is an ancient oriental healing art that uses the fingers to press key points on the surface of the skin. This stimulates the energy channels (sometimes known as Qi), it helps improve blood flow and reduces muscle tension
  • Shiatsu :. Shiatsu is an ancient Japanese massage that is similar to acupressure in which concentrates on unblocking the flow of life energy and restoring balance channels / meridians of the body.

While massage is the application of techniques of manipulation of the soft tissues in the body, "body" therapies "somatic" treatments are also similar in many respects. Body covers various forms of touch therapies that use manipulation, movement and / or redesign, while somatic therapies focus on the meaning "of the body" and your energy channels, along with the mind / body connection. When the most popular forms fields massage therapies, body and somatic treatments are combined, worldwide include:

  • stroking
  • pricking
  • kneading
  • tapping
  • compression
  • cupping
  • vibration
  • rocking
  • friction
  • use oils, lotions and powders
  • and pressure to the muscle tissues and organs

what kind of people Wondering become massage therapists, or what the massage therapy school is all this?

surveys show that massage therapists often enter the profession as a second career. A surprising 86 percent are women, and usually between 30 and 40 years. Becoming a licensed massage therapist who works in a professional environment usually involves several years of professional training, and currently 44 states in the US Regular massage therapists or provide state certification.

There are now over 300 schools accredited massage therapy and programs in the US, and on accreditation requires an average of 671 hours of training. The vast majority of massage therapists (93 percent) continue to enroll in continuing education classes and keep more jobs in the health field, such as teaching fitness classes, for example.

Most therapists eventually become members of a professional organization, but it is also common to be a professional. Most states that license massage therapists require a passing score on the exam Massage and Body Work Licensing (MBLEx) or one of the two tests provided by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork. Most therapists are fully willing to disclose information about their training, so it never hurts to ask.

8: Therapy Benefits of Massage

1. It is used to treat low back pain

According to a Cochrane review of massage therapy for chronic low back pain 13 clinical trials, massage can be beneficial for patients with acute and chronic low back pain, especially when combined with other holistic exercises and education. Some evidence suggests that acupuncture massage (acupressure) can be even more effective than the classic / Swedish massage for back pain reduction. ( 2 )

2. Reduce arthritis, fibromyalgia, bursitis and joint pain

About 35 percent of all people who get massages do to help relieve the pain associated with stiffness, pain, injury and chronic health problems. Massage has been found to effectively relax muscles and stiff joints, in addition to lower symptoms associated with fibromyalgia - a syndrome It characterized by chronic widespread pain, stiffness, severe fatigue, sleep disturbances, headache and muscle spasms.

clinical trial in 2011, the magazine Evidence Based Complimentary and Alternative Medicine printed results of a controlled investigate whether massage- myofascial release therapy trial could improve pain, anxiety, sleep quality, depression and quality of life in patients with fibromyalgia. Seventy-four patients with fibromyalgia were randomized to the experimental groups or placebo for 20 weeks. The results showed that, immediately after treatment and one month mark, symptoms of anxiety, sleep quality, pain and quality of life was significantly improved in the experimental group compared to the placebo group. ( 3 )

3. It can help reduce high blood pressure

According to a report of 2013 published in the International journal of Preventive Medicine, patients receiving massage therapy in the middle display lower mean systolic and diastolic blood pressure readings than those in the control groups. Assessment of the effects of massage therapy on blood pressure show that "massage is safe, effective, applicable and cost-effective intervention to control BP and pre-hypertension." ( 4 )

4. Lessen depression, anxiety and fatigue

Massage therapy has been shown to help feelings lower stress, along with depression and accompanying fatigue. Studies have found that the presence of depression is often caused by chronic pain and active, and that depression itself leads to impaired muscle tension and pain.

Some findings show that chronic pain and depression can both be attributed to alterations in cognitive functioning, specifically in the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis. ( 5 ) approaches Multidisciplinarios massage can help reverse the cycle of depression and have achieved significant improvements in patients with chronic muscle tension, pain, lack energy or difficulty sleeping, and depression.

5. It helps regulate hormones and Diabetes Control

Alternative therapies are being used to treat the underlying hormonal and inflammatory causes of diabetes, which include massages, dietary supplements, acupuncture, hydrotherapy and yoga therapies. These appear to be effective decrease symptoms of diabetes and risk factors, plus they do not have the side effects of conventional medicines or approaches to the treatment of diabetes. ( 6 )

Massage therapy has been recommended for diabetes for more than 100 years, and several studies have found that it can help with inducing relaxation, reducing damage nerves (neuropathy), helping people to become more active, reducing emotional eating, improve diet quality, improve sleep, helping to restore the proper use of insulin, and reducing inflammation caused by hormonal imbalances .

6. Elevates immunity

The Medical Center Memorial Health University in Savannah, Georgia has found that Swedish massage therapy can help patients to cope with the symptoms of his illness and less difficulty, which might be able to boost the recovery cancer.

Swedish massage interventions in cancer patients show positive results for reducing the perceived levels of four measures: pain, physical, emotional well-being and fatigue. A total of 251 cancer patients volunteered to participate in the study hospital for over a period of 3 years and an analysis found a statistically significant reduction in patient-reported for all four of these measures discomfort. ( 7 )

7. Help to quit

Research by the University of Miami School of Medicine showed that self -massage can be an effective adjunctive treatment for adults trying to quit smoking. Massage has been shown to relieve anxiety related to smoking, reduce anxiety and withdrawal symptoms, improve mood and reduce the number of cigarettes smoked. ( 8 )

8. Help to improve athletic and sports injuries Prevent performance

Certain types of massage, including sports massages are designed specifically to improve athletic performance and recovery while avoiding problems such as ligament rupture or running injuries . It is common today for athletes receive massages performed in your area or athletic training site to help establish blood flow and warm the muscles before an event. Some sports massages also use other practices such as visualization, meditation and deep breathing to calm the nervous system and improve the quality of healing between events.

massage therapy vs acupuncture

Acupuncture is an ancient technique of oriental healing based on the balance of the energy meridians within the body. Acupuncture treatments involve the use of very fine needles inserted painlessly on the surface of the skin in the main meridian points throughout the body that correspond to the treatment of pain, the energy flow and the function of various organs.

The most similar type of massage therapy acupuncture is acupressure, since both use the same points on the body and have similar origins dating back thousands of years. However, only acupuncture uses needles while acupressure uses manipulations of the body with hands and touch. Acupressure often involves firm pressure placed on specific areas of the body using hands and sometimes feet, which relieves stress and can promote healing based on specific ailments and symptoms of someone.

Both acupressure and acupuncture are often used to treat chronic pain, anxiety, insomnia, headaches, eyestrain, sinus problems and arthritis. Research published in American Journal of Chinese Medicine even showed that a month of acupressure treatment can be more effective in chronic headaches reducing a month muscle relaxant medication. ( 9 )

Massage Therapy vs. Chiropractic adjustments

While massage therapy focuses more on the manipulation of soft tissues, chiropractors focus their attention on the health of the central nervous system, specifically the spine. The main objective of chiropractic adjustments is to bring the spine in proper alignment so that the body can begin to heal itself. Chiropractic care has many of the same benefits that massage therapy reduced pain, increased scarring, less risk of injury and so on

Compared with massage therapists, however, chiropractors receive much more formal training :. they are physicians who need a four-year college education and a doctorate four-year chiropractic program. ( 10 )

A primary focus of chiropractic treatments are helping patients develop better posture . Throughout all of the body's nerves are derived from the spine to help information transport from and to major organs and cells, mechanical compression abnormally and irritation of the joints of the spine can adversely affect the overall health of a person.

A holistic approach to chiropractic treatment

often involves dietary changes and manipulations. This helps reduce swelling of joints caused by damage to the intervertebral joint, reduces inflammatory responses caused by a poor diet, hydrates the body, reduces psychological stress, can improve sleep and improve digestion.

Precautions regarding massage therapy

If you currently have any health conditions that could put at risk of further injury if you get a massage, or if you are pregnant, it is best to talk to your doctor first. It is always advisable to work with a massage therapist licensed / accredited, which will mean different things depending on where you live. Today there are many therapists with specialized training, advanced in anatomy, physiology, complications, precautions and contraindications associated with certain health conditions (such as arthritis or pregnancy) or seek a referral if this is the case.

in states that regulate massage therapy, massage therapists must meet certain legal requirements to practice, which usually includes a minimum number of hours of initial training and pass an exam. The American Massage Therapy Association and most other massage therapy organizations recognize the Federation of State Massage Therapy Council (FSMTB) as being credible consideration license. Be careful when doing your own research and ask questions if you are sure that you are receiving massage therapy.

Wondering if your insurance will cover the cost of a massage? Some insurance policies cover professional massages, especially if they are prescribed by a chiropractor or osteopath. Therapies provided as part of a treatment plan prescribed by a physician or registered physical therapist are more likely to be covered compared to visiting a spa.

Final Thoughts on massage therapy

  • massage therapy is an ancient healing practice that has both physical and mental benefits that have already tested
  • There are many different types of massage that today offer by massage therapists are professionally trained for 1 -2 years - including Swedish, sports, deep tissue, reflexology and acupressure massage
  • the benefits of massage therapy include reducing chronic pain, anxiety or depression, headaches, high blood pressure and hormonal imbalances

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