Title : Artificial Sweeteners :? Good or bad
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Artificial Sweeteners :? Good or bad
Artificial sweeteners are often the cause of a strong debate
On the one hand, they are claimed to increase the risk cancer and adversely affect the level of blood sugar and gut health.
On the other hand, most health officials considered safe and many people use them to eat less Sugar and weight loss .
This article reviews the evidence on artificial sweeteners and their effects on health
is reviewedWhat are artificial sweeteners?
Artificial sweeteners or sugar substitutes, are chemicals added to some foods and beverages to enhance the sweet taste.
People often refer to them as "intense sweeteners" as they provide a flavor that is similar to table sugar, but up to several thousand times sweeter.
Although some sweeteners contain calories , the amount needed to sweeten products is so small that just consuming almost no calories ( 1 ).
Conclusion: Artificial sweeteners are chemicals that are used to sweeten foods and beverages. They provide virtually zero calories.
How artificial sweeteners work?
The surface of the tongue is covered by many taste buds. Each taste bud contains several taste receptors that detect different flavors ( 2 ).
When eaten, the different food molecules in contact with taste receptors.
A perfect fit between a molecule and a receiver sends a signal to the brain, allowing you to identify the taste ( 2 ).
For example, the sugar molecule fits perfectly into the receiver of the sweet tooth, like a lock and key, allowing your brain to identify the sweet taste.
molecules artificial sweeteners are quite similar to sugar molecules that fit over the sweetness receptor.
However, usually they are too different sugar for your body to break them down into calories. This is why they have a sweet taste without extra calories.
Only a minority of artificial sweeteners have a structure that your body can break down into calories. Because only very small quantities of artificial sweeteners are needed to make food taste sweet, which consumes virtually no calories ( 1 ).
Conclusion: Artificial sweeteners are sweet, as they are recognized by the sweetness receptors on the tongue. They provide virtually no calories because most can not be broken down by the body.
What are the names of artificial sweeteners?
These artificial sweeteners are approved for use in the US and / or within the European Union ( 3 , 4 ):
- Aspartame: sweeter 200 times than sugar table. Aspartame it is known by the names NutraSweet, Equal or twin sugar.
- Acesulfame potassium: 200 times sweeter than table sugar. Acesulfame potassium is suitable for cooking and baking, and known under the brand names Sünnet or candy.
- Advantame: . 20,000 times sweeter than table sugar, ideal for cooking and baking
- aspartame and acesulfame :. 350 times sweeter than table sugar, and known under the brand name twinsweet
- cyclamate: 50 times sweeter than table sugar. Cyclamate is suitable for cooking and baking. However, it has been banned in the US since 1970.
- neotame: 13,000 times sweeter than table sugar. Neotame is suitable for cooking and baking, and known under the brand name Newtame.
- neohesperidin: 340 times sweeter than table sugar. It is suitable for cooking, baking and mixing with acidic foods. It is not approved for use in the US ..
- Saccharin: 700 times sweeter than table sugar. It is known under the brand names Sweet'N Low, Sweet Twin or sweet Necta.
- Sucralose: 600 times sweeter than table sugar. Sucralose is suitable for cooking, baking and mixing with acidic foods. It is known under the brand name Splenda.
Conclusion: there There are many types of artificial sweeteners, but not all are approved for use worldwide. The most common include aspartame, sucralose, saccharin, neotame and acesulfame potassium.
artificial sweeteners, appetite and weight
Artificial sweeteners are often popular among people who are trying to lose weight.
However, its effects on appetite and weight vary between studies.
effects on appetite
Some people believe that artificial sweeteners may actually increase appetite and promote weight gain ( 5 ).
believe that artificial sweeteners may be unable to activate the "reward circuitry food" is needed to make you feel satisfied after eating ( 6 ).
Because of its sweet taste, but lack the calories found in other foods taste sweet, are believed to confuse the brain into still feeling hungry ( 7 8 ).
Furthermore, some scientists believe that there need to eat more than one artificially sweetened food, compared to sugar-sweetened, in order to feel full version.
It has even been suggested that sweeteners can cause cravings for sugary foods ( 5 ).
Although these theories are plausible, many recent reports are not able to show that artificial sweeteners increase the intake of starvation or calorie ( 9 10 11 12 13 ).
In fact, several studies have found that participants report less hungry and consume fewer calories when sugary foods and drinks are replaced with alternative artificially sweetened ( 14 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 ).
Conclusion :. Recent reports found that replacing foods or drinks sweetened with artificially sweetened can reduce hunger and caloric intake
effects on weight
Regarding the control of weight, some observational studies have reported a link between consumption of artificially sweetened beverages obesity ( 19 20 ).
However, randomized controlled studies - the gold standard in scientific research - report that artificial sweeteners may actually reduce body weight, fat mass and waist circumference ( 21 , 22 ).
These studies also show that the substitution of regular soft drinks sugarless versions can decrease the body mass index (BMI) to 1.3-1.7 points ( 23 24 ).
What is more, the choice of artificially sweetened foods rather than those with added sugar can reduce the amount of calories you consume daily.
Several studies ranging from 4 weeks to 40 months show that this can lead to weight loss of up to 2.9 pounds (1.3 kg) ( 13 , 25 26 ).
artificially sweetened beverages may be an easy way for consumers who want to reduce regular soda consumption sugar alternative.
However, the option for diet soda will not lead to any weight loss if compensation by eating larger portions or candy is made. If diet soda increases your cravings for sweets, sticking to water might be better ( 27 ).
Conclusion :. Replacing food and drink artificially sweetened with can help you lose some weight containing sugar
artificial sweeteners and diabetes
diabetics can benefit from the choice of artificial sweeteners, which offer the pleasure of sweetness without the consequent increase in the level of blood sugar ( 18 28 29 ).
However, some studies report that consumption of diet soda may increase the risk of developing diabetes 6-121% ( 30 31 32 ).
This may seem contradictory, but it is important to note that all studies are observational. can not taste artificial sweeteners cause diabetes, only people likely to develop type 2 diabetes also like to drink diet soda.
On the other hand, many controlled studies show that artificial sweeteners do not affect blood sugar or insulin levels ( 33 34 35 , 36 , 37 , 38 ).
So far, only a small study of Hispanic women found a negative effect.
Women who drank one artificially sweetened beverage before a sugary drink had 14% higher levels of blood sugar and insulin levels in a higher 20%, compared with those who drank water before sugary drink ( 39 ).
However, participants were not used for consumption of artificially sweetened beverages, which may partly explain the results. What's more, artificial sweeteners may have different effects on the basis of age of persons or genetic background ( 39 ).
For example, research shows that replacing sugar-sweetened beverages with artificial sweeteners that stronger effects occur among young Hispanics ( 40 ).
This could be related to the unexpected effect seen in previous Hispanic women.
Although not unanimous, the current evidence is generally in favor of the use of artificial sweetener among diabetics. That said needed more research to evaluate the long-term effects in different populations.
Conclusion: Artificial sweeteners can help diabetics reduce the amount of added sugar in their diets. However, more research on the effects in different populations is needed.
artificial sweeteners and metabolic syndrome
Metabolic syndrome refers to a set of medical conditions, including blood pressure, sugar blood, excess belly fat and abnormal cholesterol levels.
These conditions increase the risk of chronic diseases such as stroke, heart disease and type 2 diabetes
Some studies suggest that diet soda consumers may be at risk for up to 36 % higher metabolic syndrome ( 41 ).
However, higher quality studies report that diet soda either has no effect or a protective being ( 42 43 44 ).
A recent study provided participants with overweight and obesity, either with a quart (1 liter) of regular soda, diet soda, water or semi-skimmed milk every day.
At the end of six-month study, participants drink diet soda were notable differences compared to those who drank regular soda.
weighed less and had 17-21% 24-31% less belly fat, cholesterol levels 32% lower blood pressure and 10-15% lower ( 44 ) .
The water had the same benefits as diet sodas, compared to regular soda ( 44 ).
Conclusion: Artificial sweeteners are rarely promotes metabolic syndrome. Replacing sugary drinks with artificially sweetened may actually decrease the risk of several medical conditions.
artificial sweeteners and Intestinal Health
Your intestinal bacteria play an important role in health, and poor intestinal health is linked to many problems .
These include weight gain, poor control of blood sugar, metabolic syndrome, an immune system weakened and disrupted sleep ( 45 46 , 47 , 48 , 49 , 50 ).
The composition and function of intestinal bacteria varies among individuals and appears to be affected by what you eat, including artificial sweeteners ( 51 52 ).
In a recent study, the artificial sweetener saccharin upset the balance of intestinal bacteria in four of the seven healthy subjects were not used to eating.
The four "responders" also showed a poorer blood sugar control just five days after consuming the artificial sweetener ( 53 ).
What is more, when the intestinal bacteria of these people were taken into mice, the animals also developed poorly controlled blood sugar ( 53 ).
On the other hand, mice implanted with intestinal bacteria of "non-responders" had no change in their ability to control sugar levels in the blood ( 53 ).
Although interesting, this is the only study to date showing these effects in humans. More studies are needed before we can make definitive conclusions.
Conclusion: Artificial sweeteners can upset the balance of intestinal bacteria in some people, which could increase the risk of disease. However, more studies are needed to confirm this effect.
Artificial sweeteners and cancer
A debate has raged since the 1970s about whether there is a link between artificial sweeteners and cancer risk.
The debate went on when animal studies found an increased risk of bladder cancer in mice fed extremely high amounts of saccharin and cyclamate ( 54 ).
Fortunately, saccharin metabolism is different in mice and humans.
Since then, more than 30 studies in humans have not found links between artificial sweeteners and the risk of developing cancer ( 1 55 56 57 ).
One such study followed 9,000 participants 13 years and consumption of artificial sweeteners is analyzed. After taking into account other factors, the researchers found no relationship between artificial sweeteners and the risk of developing several types of cancer ( 55 ).
A recent review analyzed studies that had been published in a period of 11 years. He also no relationship between cancer risk and consumption of artificial sweeteners ( 58 ) was found.
This was also evaluated by the US and European regulatory authorities. Both agreed that artificial sweeteners in the recommended amounts, do not increase the risk of cancer ( 1 59 ).
An exception is cyclamate, which was banned for use in the US after the study of bladder cancer mouse original it came out in 1970.
Since then, extensive studies in animals have not shown a relationship of cancer. However, cyclamate was never re-approved for use in the USA ( 1 ).
Conclusion :. Based on current scientific evidence, it is unlikely to increase the risk of cancer in humans artificial sweeteners
artificial sweeteners and Dental Health
- dental caries also known as dental caries or cavities - when bacteria in their sugar fermentation occur in the mouth. Acid is produced, which can damage tooth enamel.
Unlike sugars, artificial sweeteners do not react with bacteria in the mouth. This means that no acids are formed and therefore not cause tooth decay ( 60 ).
Research also shows that sucralose is less likely to cause tooth decay than sugar.
For this reason, the Food and Drug Administration US (FDA) allows products containing sucralose to claim that reducing dental caries ( 60 61 ).
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) provides that artificial sweeteners when consumed instead of sugar, neutralize acid and help prevent tooth decay ( 28 ).
Conclusion :. Artificial sweeteners when consumed instead of sugar, decrease the likelihood of tooth decay
Aspartame, headaches, depression and seizures
some artificial sweeteners can cause unpleasant symptoms such as headaches, depression and seizures, at least in some individuals.
Although most studies find no relationship between aspartame and headaches, two notes that some people are more sensitive than others ( 62 63 , 64 , 65 , 66 ).
This individual variability can also be applied to the effects of aspartame in depression.
For example, people who suffer from mood disorder may be more likely to experience depressive symptoms in response to consumption of aspartame ( 67 ).
Finally, artificial sweeteners do not increase the risk of seizures for most people. However, a study reported increased brain activity in children with absence seizures ( 68 69 70 ).
Conclusion: Artificial sweeteners are likely to cause headaches, depression or seizures in most people. However, some individuals may be more sensitive to these effects than others.
Safety and side effects
Artificial sweeteners are generally considered safe for human consumption ( 1 ).
They are carefully tested and regulated by US and international efforts to ensure they are safe to eat and drink authorities.
said, some people should avoid eating them. For example, aspartame contains the amino acid phenylalanine.
Individuals with this rare metabolic disorder phenylketonuria (PKU) can not metabolize. Therefore, people with phenylketonuria should avoid aspartame.
In addition, some people are allergic to the class of compounds belonging to saccharin, called sulfonamides . For them, saccharin can lead to breathing difficulties, rashes or diarrhea.
Conclusion :. Artificial sweeteners are generally considered safe, but should be avoided by people with phenylketonuria or allergic to sulfonamides
Take Home Message
Overall, the use of artificial sweeteners poses some risks and may even have benefits for weight loss, control blood sugar and dental health.
These sweeteners are especially beneficial when used to decrease the amount of sugar in your diet.
That said, the likelihood of negative effects can vary from one individual to another.
Some people may feel sick or experience negative effects after consuming artificial sweeteners, even if they are safe and well tolerated by most people.
If you want to avoid artificial sweeteners, be sure to check the following four healthy and natural sweeteners that are really good for you.
The post Artificial Sweeteners :? Good or bad appeared first on https://authoritynutrition.com/artificial-sweeteners-good-or-bad/
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