Most of the election "unprecedented" Ever? Ways 65 has been

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Most of the election "unprecedented" Ever? Ways 65 has been

Hillary Clinton, encouraged by the reception of his followers and, after voting on June 7, the night became apparent that it would be the first woman candidate a ticket of a major party.

Drew Angerer / Getty Images

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Drew Angerer / Getty Images

Hillary Clinton, heartened by her supporters' reception, after voting on the June 7th, the night it became clear she would be the first woman nominee of a major-party ticket.

Hillary Clinton, encouraged by the reception of his followers and, after voting on June 7, the night became apparent that it would be the first woman candidate a ticket of a major party.

Drew Angerer / Getty Images

Every presidential election remains a new environment in some way. Even amid coverage wall to wall cable and delusions of the survey and the day before-the-election, the man-in-the-street interviews with undecided voters and shock (shock!) When a flip candidate -flop, every four years, there is a feeling that this time - this time - is different. (Remember that all The count )

And then there's the year 2016.

Much of this election feels so completely off the map - "unprecedented" as it is called in one story after another. So we wonder to what extent is unprecedented. Some Nexis searches later, the answer is :. Very

Trump fields a question during the first Republican presidential debate hosted by Fox News. That debate took in 24 million viewers, the largest ever for a debate of presidential primaries.

Scott Olson / Getty Images

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Scott Olson / Getty Images

Trump fields a question during the first Republican presidential debate hosted by Fox News. That debate pulled in 24 million viewers, the largest ever for a presidential primary debate.

Trump fields a question during the first Republican presidential debate hosted by Fox News. That debate took in 24 million viewers, the largest ever for a debate of presidential primaries.

Scott Olson / Getty Images

We have assembled a summary of the ways in which the presidential elections 2016 could be called can throw a few lessons following list "unprecedented." - Perhaps just that we journalists might occasionally use a thesaurus. But it is also a story of how Trump exploded throughout the election season. Again in 2014, the potential for another Bush to enter the White House seemed like great news. That seems quaint at this point.

In addition, the list is a (if abridged) entertaining story of the most memorable bits of the campaign of 2016, and a reminder that this election cycle could only deserve their own chapter, surreal books American history text of our children.


1. Early, the organized support of Clinton - "The first efforts of each group are unprecedented - especially considering Clinton He has yet to announce his presidential intentions - causing some senior Democrats worry that focus on 2016 is taking Democrats focus outside the 2014 midterms with the balance of power in the Senate at stake. "- February . 26, 2014, CNN "Groups attached to the back of Hillary Clinton"

The 270 Project: Dem/GOP Election 2016 projections The party certainly didn't decide on Donald Trump. So how did he get the nomination? The party simply failed to decide on anyone else, according to one political scientist.

2. Iowa GOP agrees to remain neutral - "The measure is" unprecedented and is intended to send a clear signal to the possible presidential candidates: All are welcome in Iowa, and the caucus process be fair and impartial "" a press release on Wednesday. - dec. 3, 2014, Des Moines Register .

3. A potentially increasing Bush Dynasty - "Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush announced Tuesday that he is considering a run for president, a move that could dramatically alter the Republican primary and put his family in line for a third member unprecedented in white "Casa -. dec. 17, 2014, Boston Globe .


4. Initial support Clinton primary lead - "Hillary Clinton had an advantage in endorsements even before launching his campaign - to an extent that is unprecedented for a democrat does not belong. " - FiveThirtyEight

5. Clinton's experience - "She has a resume unprecedented - former first lady, senator from New York, Secretary of State - enjoys universal name recognition after more than two decades of almost constant presence on the national stage. " - April 11, 2015, Los Angeles Times

6. The huge field of GOP - " 'This event is unprecedented," said Steve Duprey, a member of the Republican national committee in New Hampshire. 'There are so many presidential candidates because this time is a free seat, and there is no heir.' "- April 18, 2015, Boston Globe (Many media were careful to emphasize that was the largest in the field of was" modern "political .)

Jeb Bush, former governor of Florida, raking in more money at an earlier point that Republican any candidate.

Andrew Harnik / AP

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Andrew Harnik / AP

Jeb Bush, the former Florida governor, raked in more money at an earlier point than any Republican candidate.

Jeb Bush, former governor of Florida, raking in more money at an earlier point than any Republican candidate

Andrew Harnik / AP

7. incredible fundraising Bush . - "Jeb Bush's team announced it had raised $ 114 million -. an extraordinary term and unprecedented so early in a presidential campaign and a sign more than one candidate that is building for the long term "- July 12, 2015 Washington Post

8. the predominance of expenses out of - "the elections of 2016 is about to mark a turning point: the first time outside groups outweigh the influence and resources of many campaigns. "It is quite clear that SuperPACS are playing an unprecedented role," said Michael Malbin, executive director of the nonpartisan Institute campaign finance, which tracks political contributions. "- July 16, 2015 Washington Post

9. principles Latino outreach Clinton - "massive machine Latino outreach Clinton is unprecedented for this stage in a primary campaign. Most Latinos do not even know the name closest rival Clinton for the Democratic nomination, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, according to a new poll by Univision. "- July 19, 2015, Los Angeles Times

10. the small but powerful community of political donors - "Less than 400 families are responsible for almost half of the money raised in the 2016 presidential campaign, a concentration of political donors is unprecedented in the modern era. "-. August 1, 2015, New York Times

11. Fox News audience discussion -" Trump has been a great benefit for Republicans, in a way, so that an unprecedented amount of attention last week to the first presidential primary debate. Some 24 million Americans tuned to see, more than most big-time sporting events, demonstrating a clear curious about the campaign Trump, but also give the other candidates the opportunity to show their own points of view. . "- Aug 9, 2015, Boston Globe

Presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump speaks at St. Anselm College in Manchester, N.H., on Monday. House Speaker Paul Ryan, speaking to reporters about the Orlando shootings.

12. a heavy social-media elections - "do early campaign on social networks has never been more intense, with the candidates to pass a Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to participate supporters who are receiving unprecedented access to candidates to the White House. "Now, the candidates have a presence in a wide range of platforms with customized content to target that audience, and they are producing unprecedented levels of content - the volume is impressive," said Marie Ewald Danzig, director of creativity and delivery Blue State digital. "- Sept. 13, 2015, Adweek

13. Hispanic conservatives gather to discuss what to do about Trump - " Months from the Donald Trump sparked outrage with his comments about Mexican immigrants, about two dozen of the top Hispanic conservative activists in the country are joining forces to respond and issue a warning to the Republican Party. Activists plan to meet on October 27 in Boulder, Colo., The day before the Republican presidential candidates meet in the same city for a debate organized by CNBC. Plans for the 'unprecedented meeting' have been in the works for several weeks ... "- Oct. 22, 2015, Washington Post

14. the call Trump for the Muslim prohibition - "the prohibition of Muslims - an unprecedented proposal by the main US presidential candidate, and an idea most typically associated with hate groups - reflects a progression of mistrust that has its roots in ideology as much as politics. "- dec 10 2015, New York Times (However, as the Times also noted ." While Muslims have not been the subject of such policies in the United States, the feeling of keeping certain kinds of people outside the country is unprecedented in US history ")

15. Polling mania -". Polling Republicans in states early voting in Iowa, new Hampshire and South Carolina has reached unprecedented levels, driven by the number of candidates in the hunt and an obsession with the horse race rather than a meaningful policy debate, according to a new study Boston Globe "-.. dec 31, 2015, New York Times

Bernie Sanders Senator, IV.t, right, talks like Hillary Clinton looks on during a democratic debate April in New York.

Seth Wenig / AP

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Seth Wenig / AP

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-V.t, right, speaks as Hillary Clinton looks on during an April Democratic debate in New York.

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-V.t, right, talks like Hillary Clinton looks on during a democratic debate April in New York.

Seth Wenig / AP


Clinton backing 16. Early Planning family - "Planned Parenthood will primary backing Hillary Clinton unprecedented ... the mention it is the first time in 100 years of history of the organization Planned Parenthood Action Fund has supported a candidate in one. primary "-. Jan. 7, 2016, Washington Post

17. The splintered GOP -. "Dirksen Congressional Leadership Research Center Archivist Frank Mackaman, a student of all government life, says the US presidential race is witnessing right now is 'I guess I would have to return to the Bull' is virtually unprecedented. " Moose (Progressive) Party, Teddy Roosevelt split the Republican Party in the early 20th century, to get something that resembles what we are going through now -. especially on the Republican side. ' "- Jan 25, 2016, Pekin Daily Times

18. Trump refuse to debate unless it withdraws host Fox - "Trump, of course, decided to retire after the network refused to capitulate to their demands unprecedented Megyn Kelly eliminated as moderator." - Jan 27, 2016, Vanity Fair

19. Latino outreach in Iowa - "the voter registration efforts unprecedented advocacy groups have launched aimed at small but growing Latino population in the state." - [ Jan 27, 2016, Los Angeles Times

20. the lack of support from the leadership of the Republican party for a possible candidate: "[I] t amazing the real estate developer and reality TV star could be far ahead in the polls are to a vote, but still far behind his presidential rivals like former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio Congressional support competition. "The gap between the position of Trump and at least its elite support is unprecedented," University of Maryland, Professor David Karol told HuffPost on Tuesday. Karol is a co-author of The party decides , some of which studies the power of endorsements before and after the party electing reforms the 1970s. "- Jan. 27, 2016, Huffington Post

Fox News' Megyn Kelly in New York in May, seem weeks before Trump in your program. That aspect was something like a strained after Trump had demanded to be removed from moderate a debate.

Victoria Will / Victoria Will / Invision / AP

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Victoria Will / Victoria Will / Invision / AP

Fox News' Megyn Kelly in New York in May, weeks before Trump would appear on her show. That appearance was something of a detente after Trump had demanded she be removed from moderating a debate.

Fox News' Megyn Kelly in New York in May, seem weeks before Trump in your program. That aspect was something like a strained after Trump had demanded to be removed from moderate a debate.

Victoria Will / Victoria Will / Invision / AP

21. Trump embrace religious Republicans " -" Sixty-one percent of GOP and GOP-leaning voters who say it is important to have a president who shares their religious beliefs say that Trump would be a good or great president, compared with 46 percent of Republican voters who say that religiosity President it is not so important. The participation of Republican voters who think that Trump would be a good president is the same among Republicans and churchgoing less churchgoing. Trump findings are unprecedented, said Pew pollsters and other experts. "- Jan. 28, 2016, Washington Post

22. Stabbing story recreation of youth. Ben Carson Trump - "Mr. history of previous program and Carson brief lead in Iowa polls last year produced a dispute almost certainly unprecedented in modern politics: Mr. Trump insisted, through public recreation, Mr. Carson failed having stabbed a fellow in his youth. Mr. Carson was guilty, his opponent insisted he was innocent. "- Feb. 2, 2016, New York Times

23. youth participation - "a new survey captures the attitudes of 2015 college students show unprecedented levels of interest in both the commitment and student political activism, underscoring the potential of the youth vote to reshape the electoral landscape . "- Feb. 11, 2016, FiveThirtyEight

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump holds up a Bible during a campaign stop in Council Bluffs, Iowa, last year. Donald Trump delivers the convocation at Liberty University on Jan. 18. The flamboyant, thrice-married mogul has never been an easy fit with the religious right.

Donald Trump vs 24. Pope - "When two of the most visible figures on the international scene, Francis and Donald Trump, exchanged harsh words on Thursday immigration a year of extraordinary elections took another dramatic turn. The long distance shot, driven, like much of the campaign, Trump language on Mexican immigration, creates a moment that really deserves the overused label " 'unprecedented.' - Feb. 18, 2016, Los Angeles Times

25. participation in many states GOP Super Tuesday - "Republicans voted in record numbers on Super Tuesday, the setting record numbers in contests throughout different regions of the country. "- March 2, 2016, CNN

26. Romney attacks against Trump - "the statements of Romney are unprecedented in the way - most recent presidential candidate. - attacks the man who looks set to secure the GOP nomination this year" - NPR 3 March, 2016

27. Republicans upset with Democrats - "This concern prompted two Clinton confidants long, pollster Stan Greenberg and the strategist James Carville, for take a deep dive into the zeitgeist fueling the rise of Trump. They released poll results last week suggesting that the Republican electorate is unprecedented anger with the Democratic Party, with almost 90 percent felt their policies are so wrong that threaten the welfare of the nation. "- March 2, 2016, Los Angeles Times

28. The discussion discussion of virility Trump -" Trump's remarks probably unprecedented in a presidential debate in the United States, appeared as the lowest point of a season already remarkable campaign for his rebellious and harsh tone. "- 4. March, 2016, AFP (may be new to debates, but as Joseph Cummins wrote in the political aspects earlier this year, sexual innuendo has long been part of presidential campaigns.)

29. anti-Trump diatribe John Oliver - "front-runner Donald Trump has recently undergone a tough, unprecedented monologue 22 minutes in the HBO John Oliver, who uncovered ancient name Trump and urged viewers to ' Donald do Drumpf Again '. "- March 8, 2016, Washington Post

potential conflicts of interest 30. Trump -" 'This is definitely going to present a dilemma unprecedented ethical if Trump wins, "said Kenneth Gross, Skadden Arps partner slate Meagher & Flom, which provides legal assistance to several presidential candidates during their campaigns." He can not get amnesia. It is stuck with the knowledge he possesses. ' "- March 16, 2016, Wires CNN

31. Access Trump radio - "Two network sources also confirmed the unprecedented control of television stations have surrendered to Trump in a series of private negotiations, allowing you to dictate specific details about camera placement where appropriate, to ensure coverage is mainly from a single shot of his face. "- March 18, 2016, Buzzfeed

Donald Trump arrives to speak to supporters at a rally at Atlantic Aviation on June 11 in Moon Township, Pa. At left, demonstrators hold signs outside a campaign event for Hillary Clinton in Columbus, Ohio, on Tuesday. Right: A Donald Trump hat burns during a protest near a Trump rally in San Jose, Calif., earlier this month.

32. the reaction of AIPAC's speech Trump - "Apology for Trump speaks AIPAC is unprecedented '- March 22, 2016, Washington Post

33. voter registration in New York - "More than 20,000 first-time voters have registered in the state of New York in what state officials are calling for an "unprecedented increase" interest of voters before the presidential primaries April 19 the state. "- March 22, 2016, AP

34. Utah voters number of -" Utah residents are resulting in an unprecedented number in presidential caucuses, creating significant delays for voters and even leading some sites run out of ballots. "- March 22, 2016, AP

35. Rubio's decision to hold their delegates - "Plan unprecedented Marco Rubio to stop Donald Trump: Keep your delegates" - March 30, 2016, USA Today

36. the chances of a wall on the border of Trump - "Donald Trump says that would force Mexico to pay for a fence along the border as president by threatening to cut off the flow of billions of dollars in payments that immigrants send home to the country, an idea that could decimate the Mexican economy and establish an unprecedented confrontation between the United States and a key regional ally "-. April 5, 2016, Washington Post

37. Publicity against Trump - " 'What is unusual and unprecedented is the parent of advertisers that are out there flogging Trump in the air, "said Elizabeth Wilner, vice president of Kantar Media / CMAG. "- April 12, 2016, New York Times

38. Outreach Asian American voters -" 'Everything's going to be close, and I think the candidates know. That's why have such unprecedented scope for communities like the Asian-American community, "said [Jerry] Vattamala [which operates the largest survey of departure of American voters of Asian origin for the Asian-American to Legal Defense and Education]. - April 18, 2016, NPR

39. Two super-unpopular candidates - " 'This is unprecedented," said Democratic pollster Mark Mellman. "It will be the first time in the history of the vote that we will have the two major party candidates liked by most Americans entering the election. '" - April 19, 2016, Washington Post

40. the Kasich-Cruz covenant - "Texas Senator and governor of Ohio announced an unprecedented agreement in which Kasich will not compete in Indiana, while Cruz will stay away from Oregon and New Mexico to maximize the chances of beating Trump in each state and the denial 1,237 delegates needed to secure the Republican nomination that seems certain to lose if he can not claim that in the first vote in the Convention Republican national in July. "- 24 April, 2016, Washington Examiner

41. Cross collects Fiorina as his running mate - "He acknowledged that his decision to appoint a fellow formula now was an unorthodox and unprecedented move, but "all we can recognize that this race, in any case, is rare. ' "- April 27, 2016, NPR

42. Clinton fund raising vehicle -" In the days before Hillary Clinton launched a large sums of money unprecedented fundraising vehicle with parts of the state last summer, she promised 'to rebuild our party from the beginning,' proclaim 'when our states parties are strong, we win. That's what will happen 'However, less than 1 percent of the $ 61 million raised for that effort has remained in the coffers of States Parties ... "- .. May 2 potential, 2016, political

43. effect Trump racing down the vote - " 'we can say that makes it more difficult for Republicans, but also can say that this kind of choice is unprecedented, "said Mrs. Duffy." Nothing we have known about the policy has thus been this cycle. ' "- May 5, 2016, Wall Street Journal

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in Dallas on June 16, 2016. Trump's campaign is struggling to raise money to finance his bid against Democrat Hillary Clinton. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally at The Fox Theatre this week in Atlanta.

44. GOP elites turning Trump - "from a landslide victory in Indiana made him the Republican candidate, Mr. Trump has faced a shy away from party leaders that is unprecedented in modern politics "- May 7, 2016;. New York Times

45. the Clinton's interest in UFOs - " 'Hillary has embraced this problem with an absolutely unprecedented interest in US political level," said Joseph G. Buchman, who has spent decades asking the government transparency about aliens. "- May 11, 2016, New York Times

46. Trump's refusal to release tax returns -" If Trump does not release any returns before the Nov. 8 election, there would be "an unprecedented level of secrecy surrounding their personal finances," said historian Joseph Thorndike tax, the director of the tax History Project analysts taxes, a trade publication. "- Bloomberg, May 11, 2016

47. Sanders role in the Democratic platform - "Bernie Sanders Senator was given such unprecedented the platform of the Democratic party on Monday in a party leaders motion expect defuse a bitter split with supporters over challenger throw Hillary Clinton - and Sanders immediately used his new power to appoint a known advocate of Palestinian rights to help draft the - democratic "policy. 24 May, 2016, Washington Post

48. use email Clinton - "Yes, previous secretaries of state have used e-mail personal mail while in office. - Colin Powell, most notably and extensively But, and this is really important, Clinton is the first secretary of state to use an address private email exclusively to conduct business Period That was and is unprecedented ".. -.

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