27 Health Benefits Science-Backed quinoa

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27 Health Benefits Science-Backed quinoa

What is Quinoa

Perhaps you've heard of quinoa which it is often described as a " super ," and are curious about its benefits, which have been recognized in health circles for quite some time, but has only received media attention in such only recent years.

This grain has become popular among health conscious people for their various benefits, including large amounts of protein, fiber and various vitamins and minerals.

is also high in Magnesium , iron B vitamins , calcium, potassium, phosphorus, vitamin E, and various antioxidants.

is also gluten free and is recommended for people who are on a gluten-free diet.

Once you've proven yourself and know how beneficial it can be, never let them out of their diet.

History of Quinoa

History of quinoa

The quinoa is a grain crop grown primarily for its edible seeds.

This plant is a species of the genus leg of rooster ( Chenopodium quinoa ), which originated in the area around Lake Titicaca in Peru and Bolivia.

The plant dates back 3,000 to 5,000 years BC, when it was domesticated by the peoples of America, according to the existing historical evidence.

Furthermore, there is archaeological evidence of quinoa in tombs of Arica in Chile, Tarapaca, Calama, and in different regions of Peru.

pre-Columbian civilizations cultivated and used quinoa as a staple in their diet at the time.

The Incas called quinoa "mother grain".

An Inca emperor would break ground with a golden implemented in the first planting campaign in recognition of what the plant were provided.

Over time, quinoa was replaced by cereals after the arrival of the Spaniards.

quinoa was already well developed in terms of technology at the time and widely distributed within and outside of Inca territory.

The first Spanish to consider quinoa was cultivated Pedro de Valdivia.

Realized crops planted around Concepcion and realized that Indians used the plant food.

In his actual comments, Garcilaso de la Vega described as the second quinoa grain grown on Earth, something like short grain rice or millet.

He also said the first shipment of seeds to Europe.

Unfortunately, the seeds were dead on arrival and unable to germinate, possibly due to the high humidity of the journey by sea.

In 1560, Cieza de Leon reported that quinoa is grown in the highlands of Quito and Pasto.

also mentioned that some corn, but a lot of quinoa is grown in these cold lands.

In 1964, in his chronicles on La Pazmentions Patino using quinoa as a food source for indigenous peoples mentioned.

Domestication of Quinoa

Domestication of Quinoa

before it was domesticated, wild quinoa leaves and seeds-was probably first used primarily as a food source.

There is preliminary evidence morphology in ceramics Tiahuanaco culture.

represents a quinoa plant with several panicles along the stem, suggesting one of the earliest varieties of the plant.

The genetic variability of quinoa indicates the plant as a oligocentric species with a wide distribution center of origin and multiple diversifications.

The Andean region and the shores of Lake Titicaca, in particular present the greatest genetic diversity and variation.

A wide range of morphological changes has affected quinoa during domestication as a result of human activity.

These include a more compact inflorescence at the tip of the plant, an increase in seed size and stem, high levels of pigmentation, and loss mechanisms seed dispersal.

During domestication, the Andean people undoubtedly genotypes selected according to the use and tolerance to biotic and abiotic adverse effects.

This has resulted in existing plants and ecotypes with different characteristics, such as "pasankalla" toasting, "Chullpi" soup, "Royal" to "Pissarra" or grains, "Coytos" to flour " , Witullas "and" Achachinos "to resist cold" Utusaya "to resist salinity," Quellus "or yellow seed high performance" Kcancollas "to withstand drought," Ratuquis "for early growth, and" Ayaras " for nutritional value (high balance of essential amino acids and proteins).

How Quinoa Grows

how to grow

Despite which is a broadleaf plant and does not belong to the same family of herbs horticulture as cereals, such as wheat, barley and oats are grown however is considered a grain.

is different from the more traditional grains in blooming with purple or red flowers beautiful before it goes to seed.

The seeds are used as typical grains to make flour, cereals, soups, and alcohol.

Quinoa Climate Requirements

Requirements Climate

to cultivate their own quinoa, you should be aware of the conditions required

  • days for germination: 4-5
  • Days to harvest: 90-120
  • light requirements: quinoa requires full sun and shorter days; length must be optimal.
  • Water requirements: for germinating seeds and seedlings support should be watered regularly quinoa, keeping it evenly moist. Once established, the plants should be watered occasionally during dry weather, allowing the first few inches of soil dry out between waterings.
  • Floors: There has to be well drained and fertile with compost added. To inhibit weeds, retain moisture and regulate soil temperature should mulch the top soil once the seedlings are a few inches tall.
  • Temperature: optimal growth conditions are in cold climates with temperatures ranging from -4 ° C overnight at 35 ° C during the day. Quinoa withstands light frost time, except during bloom, which can cause sterilization of pollen.
  • Container :. Growing container is not suitable for quinoa, due to the size of the plant

Sowing quinoa seeds directly into the ground just after the last frost in spring has passed.

The ideal soil temperature for quinoa is 15 degrees Celsius.

Be sure to plant early enough in the season to be sure that the harvest is completed before ambient temperatures rise above 30 degrees Celsius.

Higher temperatures hinder growth and development of the quinoa seeds.

In warmer climates can sow seeds in late summer or early fall for winter bloom.

Click loose soil, then add a layer of compost.

When the seedlings appear thin with a plant 10 to 12 inches.

replant the seeds within a week in areas that have not sprouted.


The enthusiastic people on the ground may have noticed the similarity between quinoa and amaranth.

Both are large leafy plants whose seeds are used as grains.

Unlike quinoa, however, is a plant of cold weather, amaranth is a warm weather plant.

For that reason, amaranth and quinoa plantations can be made successively by a spring and fall harvest.

Based on information on the packages of seeds, quinoa is resistant to deer.

is a versatile plant with many uses, including being a striking ornamental flower, as well as a food source.

Even young leaves are edible, which can be eaten either raw or cooked.

Quinoa Plants Growing in the Field

quinoa plants growing in the field

This is what the quinoa plants seem growing at high altitudes in mountain regions.

Quinoa or White Quinoa

Quinoa or white quinoa

white quinoa is the most common type available in stores. You will often just call quinoa. Some also call ivory quinoa.

Red Quinoa

Red Quinoa

It is reported that red quinoa keeps its shape after cooking a little better than lambsquarters, which makes it suitable for cold salads such as recipes where a distinct grain is particularly desirable.

Black Quinoa

Black Quinoa

a little sweeter and more earthy white quinoa, black quinoa remains striking black color when cooked.

Quinoa Flakes

quinoa Flakes

As with flakes of barley or oats , quinoa flakes are created by steamrolling whole grain.

Less time needed for cooking cereal flakes whole grains (groats), but since Quinoa is a grain and fast cooking, these scales serve as a great instant breakfast.

Quinoa Flour

Flour Quinoa

is difficult to distinguish quinoa flour from the other flour, but will have to trust us on this one. This is the quinoa flour.

Interesting Facts

The International Year of Quinoa may have come to an end, but the kingdom of quinoa as one of the healthiest foods of all time certainly continue.

Despite its growing popularity, most people do not know much about this ancient grain.

Here are 5 fun facts about this super popular food.

Quinoa Is Not Actually A Grain At All

Quinoa is not really a grain Around

We cook and eat quinoa as many other grains, but botanically speaking, is a relative of spinach, chard and beets.

The part we eat is actually the seed, like cooked rice, so that quinoa is gluten free. Its leaves are also edible.

Quinoa Is A Complete Protein

Quinoa is a complete protein

Already in 1955, a study by the authors of "nutritional value of crops, nutrient content and protein quality of quinoa" substantiated nutritional powers of quinoa ( 1 ).

There are over 100 types of quinoa

There are about 120 known types of quinoa.

The most traded types are white, black, red and quinoa.

You Should Probably Rinse Your Quinoa

should probably rinse your Quinoa

If you do not wash them first, dry seeds would rather bitter taste due to a compound that is coated with, but most packaged quinoa today has been cleaned, that is to say, processing.

would probably be a good idea to rinse quinoa before eating, however, just to be sure.

What is this chain?

When the quinoa is cooked, it is likely notice a curly "tail" that comes from the seed.

That's actually the germ of the seed, which separates slightly when his quinoa is ready.

Health benefits of quinoa

Quinoa is one of the foods most popular health world.

is gluten-free, rich in protein, and one of the few plant foods that contain all 9 essential amino acids.

Quinoa is also high in fiber, magnesium, B vitamins, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, vitamin E complex, and several beneficial antioxidants .

shown below are 27 health benefits of science-backed quinoa , which is also known as the "mother grain", according to a field crop University Wisconsin and the University of Minnesota ( 2 ).

Quinoa Is Very Nutritious

Quinoa is very nutritious

despite popular belief, quinoa is not a grain, but rather a pseudo-cereals ( 3 ).

In other words, it is basically a "seed", prepared and eaten like a pimple.

Here is the nutrient content in a cup (185 grams), which also applies to cooked quinoa ( 4 ):

  • protein: 8 grams
  • Fiber: 5 grams
  • Manganese 58% of the recommended daily allowance
  • Magnesium: 30% of the recommended daily allowance
  • Phosphorus: 28% of the recommended daily allowance
  • folate 19% of the recommended daily allowance
  • Copper 18% of the recommended daily allowance
  • Hierro: 15% of the recommended daily allowance
  • Zinc: 13% of the recommended daily allowance
  • Potassium: 9% of the daily allowance recommended
  • More than 10% of the recommended daily allowance of vitamins B1, B2, B6 and
  • small amounts of calcium, vitamin E, and B3 (niacin)

All this comes with a total of 222 calories, with 39 grams of carbohydrates and 4 grams of fat.

Quinoa also contains a small amount of omega-3.

According to a 2009 article published in the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture , quinoa has been praised for its "unusual and exceptional composition balance "of proteins, fats and oil, as well as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fatty acids, so it is a highly nutritious food ( 5 ).

The article also indicates that quinoa contains plant hormones unlike many other plant foods.

Namely, plant hormones help in regulating plant growth.

Some types known as phytoestrogens are being studied as a treatment for symptoms of menopause, as they sometimes have the ability to behave like estrogen in the body.

Quinoa is gluten-free, non-GMO, and usually organically grown.

Although not technically a grain, but still is considered a whole grain food.

NASA scientists have been evaluating quinoa as a suitable crop to be grown in space, mainly due to its high nutrient content, ease of use and ease of growth ( 6 ).

In 2013 was actually named "The International Year of Quinoa" by the United Nations because of high value and nutritional potential of the plant to contribute to food security throughout the world ( 7 ).

Quinoa Contains The Plant Compounds Quercetin And Kaempferol

Quinoa contains compounds quercetin plant and kaempferol

the health benefits of real food go far beyond vitamins and minerals we all know.

You can find thousands of trace nutrients, some of which are extremely healthy.

This includes molecules called flavonoids, which are plant antioxidants that have been shown to have many health benefits.

Two flavonoids that deserve to be well studied quercetin and kaempferol are compounds found in large amounts in quinoa ( 8 ).

Indeed, quercetin is found in greater amounts in quinoa than typical high quercetin foods, such as blueberries ( 9 ).

These 2 molecules have been reported to have anti-inflammatory, anticancer, antiviral effects and antidepressant effects. ( 10 11 12 ).

An animal study conducted by the Division of Experimental obesity, Center Pennington Biomedical Research has concluded that quercetin is effective in reducing inflammatory markers circulating observed in animals ( 13 ).

With the inclusion of quinoa in your diet, which will undoubtedly increase their overall intake of these important nutrients and other compounds important plants.

Quinoa Is Richer In Fiber Than Most Grains

Quinoa is richer in fiber than most grains

like many grains, quinoa is high in fiber. Unlike many grains, quinoa is very rich in fiber.

In a study conducted at the University of Valencia, in Spain, 4 varieties of quinoa were used to determine the amount of fiber in them.

resulted in a range of 10 to 16 grams of fiber per 100 grams ( 14 ).

This is equal to 17-27 grams per cup, an amount that is too high, more than twice as high as most grains.

Much less fiber is in the cooked quinoa, gram for gram, absorb much water since.

Unfortunately, most of the fiber in quinoa is insoluble fiber, which is not as beneficial to your health as soluble fiber.

said, the soluble fiber content is about 1.5. grams per 100 grams (or 2.5 grams per cup.), which is still a good deal.

Numerous studies have shown that soluble fiber can help lower cholesterol, reduce levels of blood sugar, increase satiety and help with weight loss ( 15 16 17 ).

In one of these studies, the German Institute for Human Nutrition found that consumption of dietary fiber contributes to a number of independent unexpected metabolic effects of changes in body weight, including improved sensitivity insulin and modulating the secretion of certain hormones intestine ( 15 ).

Quinoa Is Gluten Free

Quinoa is gluten-free

it is recommended

gluten-free diets for people with celiac disease, a severe gluten intolerance .

Despite the benefits of a gluten-free diet for people who do not suffer from celiac disease are still being debated, many American have jumped on the bandwagon.

According to a 2013 survey, about a third of Americans say they want to reduce or to be free of gluten in your diet ( 16 ).

A gluten-free diet can be healthy, provided it is based on foods that are naturally gluten-free.

is not recommended that you eat foods "gluten free" they actually are full of refined starches in place.

These foods are not better than their gluten-containing counterparts.

gluten free junk food is still junk food.

People who are on a gluten-free diet may have difficulty getting all the essential nutrients they need.

According to the Mayo Clinic, gluten-free diets lack the nutrients following :. Iron, calcium, fiber, riboflavin, thiamine, niacin and folic acid ( 17 )

Many researchers, including Toups, a biologist renowned Faculty of Biology and Medicine, University Lausanne in Switzerland, say that quinoa is a suitable ingredient in gluten-free diets, especially for people who do not want to give up basic foods such as breads and pastas.

She also noted a study published in the Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics in which researchers from the Center for Celiac Disease at Columbia University found that the profile nutritional diets gluten was improved by adding oats or quinoa meals and snacks ( 18 ).

The most notable increases were protein (20.6 grams vs. 11 g), iron (18.4 mg vs 1.4 mg), calcium (182mg vs. 0 mg), and fiber (12 , 7 g vs 5 g).

Toups also noted that in a study Food Chemistry , the researchers suggest that incorporating quinoa or buckwheat gluten-free products significantly increases its polyphenol content compared with ingredients without gluten, as the refined tapioca, corn, potatoes, flour and rice ( 19 ).

Polyphenols are substances that protect cells and body chemicals against damage caused by free radicals.

Products made with quinoa can dramatically increase the nutrient value and antioxidant diet compared to the two products of wheat and gluten-free products control.

Quinoa Is Very High In Protein, With All The Essential Amino Acids

Quinoa is very high in protein, with all essential amino acids

proteins are made of amino acids.

Some of these are called "essential" because our body can not produce by itself and must be obtained from the diet.

If a food contains all the essential amino acids, it is considered a "complete" protein.

The problem is lysine, an essential amino acid determined that does not occur in many plant foods.

Quinoa is an exception, however, because it provides the essential amino acids in a healthy balance, including lysine.

According to the Center for Agricultural Research and Development of Ohio, quinoa is a good source of lysine ( 20 ).

Furthermore, quinoa and other whole grains also contain 25% more protein and better than refined grains ( 21 ).

There are 9 essential amino acids listed by the National Institutes of Health :. Histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan and valine ( 22 )

Finally, a cup quinoa contains 8 grams of quality protein , which makes it an excellent source of vegetable protein for vegetarians and vegans.

Quinoa Has A Low Glycemic Index

Quinoa has a low glycemic index

the glycemic index is used to measure how quickly foods raise blood sugar levels.

Foods that are high on the glycemic index is known to fluctuate sugar levels in the blood, stimulate hunger, and contribute to obesity ( 23 24 ).

These foods have also been associated with many western chronic diseases that are so common today, such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes ( 25 ).

Quinoa has a glycemic index of 53, which is under the 55 required to be considered a food that helps stabilize sugar levels in the blood.

For that reason, if you are trying to prevent diabetes, you can combine quinoa with any other food that is also low on the glycemic index scale.

This helps you nurture yourself without having to worry about spiking your blood sugar levels in the blood.

It is important to note, however, that quinoa still contains a high amount of carbohydrates.

If you are on a low carb diet, you may want to avoid eating quinoa.

A ranking of 53 is considered high for diets such as the Paleo diet, so it's all a matter of perspective and his particular end goal.

Quinoa Is Rich In Magnesium

Quinoa is rich in magnesium

people often lack many nutrients because their eating habits.

This is especially true for some minerals, especially magnesium.

Fortunately, quinoa is full of this important mineral, with only a cup that is about 30% of the recommended daily dose.

Our body needs magnesium as it helps the body to prevent diseases such as osteoporosis and heart disease, while helping to balance blood pressure ( 26 ).

Quinoa Prevents Osteoporosis

Quinoa prevents osteoporosis

Due its high magnesium content, quinoa can be very effective in preventing magnesium deficiency and the diseases that go along with it.

The Department of Biomedical, Surgical and Dental Sciences, University of Milan published research online, where they found that the optimization of magnesium intake could prevent osteoporosis in patients with magnesium deficiency documented ([

The post 27 Health Benefits Science-Backed quinoa appeared first on http://www.well-beingsecrets.com/health-benefits-of-quinoa/

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Thank you for reading this 27 Health Benefits Science-Backed quinoa, hopefully can give benefits to all of you. well, see you in posting other articles.

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