Hudson 22_Jacob abandon

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Hudson 22_Jacob abandon

22_Jacob leave Hudson
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About a young man of Sharpsburg and Shepherdstown that the war has changed in an avenging angel of death, but at the foot of the gallows, which is God.- JS

1. Andrew Leopold desperate hope (1) -. by Jim Surkamp with author Steve French
POST :. 5422 words

2. Steve French author Andrew Leopold (Video Transcript and coupling)
Publication: civilwarscholars. ? com /? p = 13367 2880 words
VIDEO: TRT: 25:23

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desperate hope Andrew Leopold (1) - by Jim Surkamp with author Steve French

has been possible thanks to the generous, community-minded system support the Public University of America with a quality education and affordable online. Performances videos and messages do not reflect in any way poilicies today and positions of American Public University System. Plus . . .

What's a mother to do

son ​​of 22 years of 1_Polly Zittle
son ​​of Polly Zittle 22-year-old Andrew - soon-to-be-hung - had a lot to consider in his isolation cell in the deepest sanctuary of Fort McHenry prison near Baltimore.

Andrew T. Guerrero Leopold (also Laypole, Lepole, and Isadore Laypole) had in his hands a little book that he hoped he could put in the hands of another prisoner who, unlike him, would leave prison vertical and life position.

2_The accident shells battle
drop tanks battle, crushing bone and strips and cries, the cries, the clash of sabers, emotion cries of musketry, the break in general - he had unleashed something fierce in Andrew, a native of the gun - this once I crewmate a lazy boat channel Potomac, a young woman named Mary described as "well-built, straight as an arrow, not handsome face, but with a straight face honest, who knew how to trust. "

3_He wrote in his cell target leavesGlimpses_of_Heaven_frontispiece
He wrote in his cell at the blank pages of "Glimpses of Heaven or light beyond the Jordan" my dear mother and kind loving, it is with the deepest regret that your humble son must tell you the sad news of my unfortunate and much windfall is considered to me for now. But in good spirits. I have good reason to think and hope will better world threw myself on the mercy of our God. Look at His Son, Jesus Christ, who died on the cross and sinless eternal life that we believe in him. I hope to meet you and my two sisters in that bright land where sin and no more problems and are to reveal the love of God and Jesus Christ, not our redeemer. My destiny is a criminal. I do not know the day that I heard from a minister of the Gospel that I am not suffering death on the "Day of the executioner," but that is little consolation to you, but it will be a comfort to know that I was ready and willing to meet my peace maker. . . I write this with the hope that you can get this book and I hope the gentleman who finds it can send to you. May God have mercy on you is the prayer of his unfortunate son and brother. . "- Spirit of Jefferson, on April 19, 1898 Image 1.

4_Robert Baylor, the prisoner there from Charlestown
Robert Baylor, the prisoner there from Charlestown, also sentenced to death, but had its switched for less than ten days after Leopold past, wrote in his diary that the book "Momentos" Leopold was underlined by Andrew many relevant poetic lines

5_1859_Leopold of Peace river
1859.: river Leopold Peace:

quiet days of 6_Andrew just before the war years
halcyon days of Andrew just before the war years on the deck and towing lines of a boat channel is best put by a fellow boatman in 1859:

7_Only almost inaudible ripple of the boat
Only the almost inaudible hum of the boat in the water, the distant click of the feet the mules, the purr of the river, the hum of insects, and sometimes chirping of a bird broke the silence. It was almost an ideal resting state. The days drifted by like a dream and when I look back, it was a very peaceful sleep, the day ran into the day basking in the sun, without any care or think about tomorrow. - Ella E. Clark (ed.)

1860 :. Clouds of war Stir Leopold to action:

8_Even after the Raiders John Brown
Even after the Raiders John Brown, capture, trial in a court in Virginia and tapestries - Staff Hamtramck Shepherdstown and all militias, hard-left even more in anticipation

ahead was the November election for president .. local Lincoln did not support but were not favorable Breckinridge either. They preferred a pro-unionist "mediator" named John Bell. The editor of Shepherdstown Register, John Zittle, the second husband of the mother of Leopold wrote 14 July, 1860

9_There are four candidates for president
"There are four candidates the president of the United States. offers contest Fair to be the hottest ever known in political annals of our country. the turbulent waters appear threatens to engulf can invoke the blessings of providence to lead us through. "

10_The Fourth of July celebration
the Fourth of July celebration in Big Spring held together - barely. He began "with the Guard Hamtramck, VM .... Captain Butler with the spirited notes of the fife and drum music inspired All hands did justice in relieving the table of his heavyweight of the provisions 'made up brown' by our friend Martin Yontz "Zittle wrote. Capt. Heskitt previous guards had left, the militia of the city, from the arsenal of the city in full costume parade, every man who has fifteen rounds of blanks. Auctioneer George McGlincey took the glass

11_The Union may bring the boat ride in the state safely
"The Union may bring the boat ride in the state to fruition on the turbulent waters .... "He then toasted counter Yontz CW". for Virginia, while containing the graves of Washington, Jefferson, and Madison, she must be true to its glorious title of Virginia "

12_Lincoln elected. War starts
1860-April 1861 - Lincoln is elected. The war begins April 1861:

Crisis at Fort Sumter, South Carolina hot words changed to hot weapons. Virginia voted to join the secession, pending a referendum. With the vote of secession planned the next day whether or not to secede, these same local militias marched that night to Harper's Ferry to take the federal arsenal.

David Hunter Strother, who joined the federal army, wrote about the night of April 18 in Harpers Ferry after the Federal guard blew much of the arsenal to maintain militias since the capture of arms there . The vote on secession in Richmond was not complete:

13_many more were on the way
As the night progressed, the streets became more crowded city and neighborhood. At one (early April 19) fires had sunk into ashes, when, gloomy, cold and tired, I was looking for a bed in the house of an acquaintance. . I did not sleep deeply and often disturbed during the night by the sound of drums and the noise from passing squads. . . . many more were on the way. - p. 14.

Among those on the way to join that 18 April was tea soldier William A. Morgan of his spring fall outside Shepherdstown Manse, which was quickly Captain of Company F of the 1st Cavalry Virginia and, as was his nature would take part in most of the biggest fights in your state and get away from many horses shot under him as the way of life at war until peace came again in the last . and influence -

14_Leopold, the next day, the company F
Andrew Thomas Leopold, the next day, he joined Company F under the command of Captain Morgan joined. Two other young men on Shepherdstown, both age of Leopold, had the same intention to enlist in Confederate regiments and almost at the same moment. Carpenter nineteen years old, Jacob Hudson, and seventeen years of age, Charles Ed Entler, a boatman of the ferry - were making the trip in Harper's Ferry to join the Company B of the second infantry regiment of Virginia under the command of this unknown, strange Col. Thomas Jonathan Jackson, with long days just ahead of sorry-making, endless boring.

15_tutelage and charisma of Capt. Morgan
But Leopold had a fierce model behavior in the protection and charisma of Capt. Morgan.

So all prepared. In June, Confederates under Gen. Joseph Johnston left Harper's Ferry, relieved upriver to Falling Waters, encamping by his brush for the first time the expected war with the Federal Army nearby. Leopold would come face to face with another fascinating rider, J.E.B. Stuart, who, in early July on the eve of the battle he told his men in this field: "Attention"

16_you are ignorant of this type of
work shouted. "Now I want to talk to you, men are ignorant of this kind of work, and I'm teaching you want to watch a good man on a good horse can never be captured Another thing ......: cavalry can trot away anything, and canter is a gait unbecoming a soldier, unless he goes to the enemy Remember the enemy galloped and trotted away, always p 116.
-.... More . ..

Leopold and Morgan - the "Invincibles Reckless"

17_the first battle of Bull Run / Manassas
Early in the first battle of Bull Run / Manassas Leopold and Morgan were both among 150 men in the 1st cavalry Virginia - thundering gallop, steam-nostril, the weight of the horse throwing to the terrified men of scarlet red uniform at New Zouaves York fleeing anywhere, sables raised in them William Blackford he recalled: "the tremendous [

18_horses broke at full speed by
impetus speeding horse broke through the line like straw than grain takes. "

Leopold was" seeing the elephant, "the phrase of all soldiers to contemplate the horror of the immediate war. It was described just after the July 1861 battle for Morgan to his wife at dawn, the conflict began with the boom of artillery and the sharp reports of musketry, mingled with the hoarse commands given by the officers, the cries of the dying horses and the groans of the wounded who remained without interruption until the moon . first two rows of whole cavalry down when they entered the enemy line, I and company were at the center of their ranks.

19_balls flying thick all around
balls fly thickness at all - apparently as thick as hail and yet strangely enough no one was killed -... two or three of us were slightly injured, myself among the number My horse, George, behaved nobly, without blinking at any time.

. . . But others, defected:

20_Unlike Leopold, Charles Entler
Unlike Leopold, Charles Entler and Jacob both defected Hudson Co B 2nd Virginia, go home. Entler was already back home, once again, a boatman of the ferry landing Blackford. His company B of the 2nd Virginia had passed through Shepherdstown and

21_set on fire on June 13, 1861, the wooden covered bridge
set fire on 13 June 1861, covered wooden bridge across the river near the ferry. He wrote to his friend, Henry K. Douglas: I saw the bright windows in my house on the hill beyond the river. . . I realized that the war had begun. . . and my soul was filled with vengeful bitterness. Two days later, on June 15, Charles Entler was reported that abandoned resume ferry boat duties.

22_Jacob leave Hudson
Jacob Hudson would leave the following spring in March 15.1862, also reappeared in Shepherdstown, deleted from the rolls and out of uniform.

23_Leopold, however, is heated in the glow of a war-making
Leopold, however, heated in the glow of a manufacturer war:

24_Leopold wrote his mother from camp Ashby
Leopold wrote to his mother from camp Ashby near Harrisonburg who had a skirmish near Luray, where sixteen men who runs a camp Yankee, capturing 18 prisoners, wounding and killing 12 5, the capture of ten thousand dollars in medicines, clothing and supplies. -. Martinsburg Statesmen (Shepherdstown Registry), May 23, 1895.

This may have been an Event May 6, 1862, with some reported differences by Major General Nathaniel P. Banks Federal , US Army:
May 7, 1862. the Fifth cavalry New York had a sharp cavalry skirmish Ashby (7th cavalry Virginia-JS) yesterday near Harrisonburg. They (Federal-JS) made a succession of most charges of spirit against the numerical superiority, killing 10, wounding many, and capture 6 rebels. His conduct gave the greatest satisfaction. Its main weapon was the sword. The enemy does not show himself but for the cavalry. - p. 456.

August 30, 1862 - Leopold The Avenger to the second Manassas / Bull Run:

25_Sergeant Leopold, of the Twelfth Cavalry Virginia, was in the thickest of the fight
sergeant Leopold, of the Twelfth cavalry Virginia, was in the thickest of the fight and acted courageously during their stay. He was wounded in three places. - Official Report of the brigade brigade. General Holcombe Beverly Robertson - pp. 746-747

Beverly_Robertson image B. H. Robertson
800px-Second_Bull_Run_Aug30_1700 Source map ... Click on the map to enlarge.

The cavalry brigade of Brig. Gen. Beverly H. Robertson and Thomas Munford Regiment column ran to the far right of the position of the Confederation, hoping - with the support of four batteries of horse artillery -. To lock men retreating from the Union of Lewis Ford

26_I loaded the regiment on the hill and drove them back

Col. Asher Harman W. 12th Cavalry Virginia, Leopold and the regiment of Morgan, wrote:
in Manassas, August 30, around 4 pm, I was ordered, with six companies of my regiment (a, C, D, e, F and H) to support the second cavalry Virginia. I found the enemy occupying the hill to the right of the house of Lewis, with the First [the West] Virginia Cavalry, with the support of New York and the first Michigan Cavalry, made about 200 yards in his rear .

I charged the regiment on the hill and set them back in their support, they were broken in rapid succession and driven back in disarray. He persecuted in length and so the pike near the stone bridge, capturing many prisoners, including Colonel and Major Brodhead Atwood, of the First Michigan Cavalry, former seriously injured. My loss was 6 wounded. - p. 752.

Author Eric Wittenberg wrote:
Men Brigade formed Robertson online and (Harman wrote) "wedge-shaped, dashed headlong into the battle line of blue, and as the apex of this rapidly moving mass was about to pierce the center of his line, hesitated for a moment, then broke and fled in all directions. "

27_The by the 12th Virginia crashed in West Virginia
office 12 Virginia hit residents of West Virginia and set them back on their reserves. As a member of the 12th Virginia she wrote later, residents of West Virginia "ran and we were after them with pistol and saber." A member of the 4th New York said: "The Secesh used their revolvers with the determination to kill some of our guys," Capt. William Porter Wilken 1 West Virginia was left to cut its output, and only barely escaped capture when his horse bolted. He recorded, "I think nothing of charging the same number but a charge against an army of cavalry and infantry and artillery and see his comrades mowed down by their swords and deadly fire of their musketry and cannon, is not particularly fun."

wild attack of the 12th Virginia broke the Union line and led him back to confinement.

28_Brodhead refused, the Confederation shot and mortally wounded the Yankee officer
Assistant Lewis Harman Virginia 12 met near Brodhead Lewis Ford. Harman demanded the surrender of Brodhead and when the Yankee officer Brodhead refused, the Confederation shot and mortally wounded. Harman left with Brodhead horse, saddle, pistols and saber. Brodhead received a deathbed brevet brigadier general for his brave stand in the Lewis Ford. . . . Virginia 12 chased to the Warrenton Turnpike. In his official report of the campaign, Stuart said the melee at Lewis Ford "was very short."

The fight at the ford, however, had been severe. Robertson's men suffered five dead men and 40 wounded, including Munford. One member of the 12th Virginia, a Leopold sergeant, was wounded in three places during the furious clash by Lewis Ford. Buford losses were heavier, with about 300 deaths. -. Pp. 746-747

29_Robertson regiments dragged down to a force greatly exceeding them
Stuart reveled in his official report to Lewis Ford campaign, "... more than 300 cavalry of the enemy were put out of action, which, along with their horses and equipment, which falls into our hands. "Stuart boasted of his victory, saying" Nothing could have equaled the splendor that regiments Robertson pulled into down to a force greatly exceeding them, indicating a successful claim for the value and discipline like any cavalry in the world .. "- the General JEB Stuart Report General Robert E. Lee 28 February 1863, Official Gazette: p 1 Series, vol 12, Part 2 (Second Manassas). 737.


Leopold becomes an explorer and Bushwhacker retaliates:

September - late October 1862: Leopold, being fired by the field battle, recovered
30_J.EBStuart and his staff are resting on the roundabout
31_overlooking the Opequon Creek
Confederate cavalry general JEBStuart and his staff are resting in the gazebo overlooking the Opequon Creek and will remain there until the end of October, 1862.

32_Probably under the great oaks there, Stuart discusses
probably under the great oaks there, Stuart discuss plans and met with Redmond Burke and Andrew Leopold to be carriers, mail-horse thieves, conscriptors., and their "eyes" along rivers around Jefferson County

33_Stuart discuss plans and met with Redmond Burke and Andrew Leopold

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