Title : Do your body a favor. This is what will happen if you drink a glass of water each day honey
link : Do your body a favor. This is what will happen if you drink a glass of water each day honey
Do your body a favor. This is what will happen if you drink a glass of water each day honey
We've all heard that honey has healing powers, but is not a thing to the honey is especially useful. If you drink a glass of water with honey every day, you will be surprised by the results!
healing powers
honey was used by the ancient Egyptians and Greeks as a natural remedy. They even called the food of the gods. Therefore, the value of water honey is known for over 3,000 years. Athletes also drink water with honey to regain strength and increase your energy levels.
No more swelling
For abdominal pain should drink a glass of warm water and honey. It will neutralize gases and soon feel relief.
strengthens the immune system
Honey contains plenty of vitamins, minerals and enzymes. It is also a natural antibiotic that destroys bacteria in your body.
A glass of warm honey water will help your body rid itself of toxins. It is also useful to add lemon to this drink, which acts as a diuretic and accelerate the detoxification process.
Light skin
As with detoxification, antibacterial properties of honey your skin clean. In addition to the drinking water of honey you can make a mask of honey.
weight loss
When you have sugar cravings, try eating a little honey. The main ingredients of honey are fructose and glucose, which are natural sugars and are much healthier than the industrial sugar. But be careful with honey because it contains a lot of calories.
Help with a sore throat
Honey is a natural antibiotic and a great help against throat infections and relieves coughing.
Lowers cholesterol
Honey lowers cholesterol and prevents its deposit on the walls of blood vessels because it contains antioxidants. It also prevents the closure of arteries.
Reduces the risk of heart disease
The antioxidants contained in honey protect the heart. With a healthy level of cholesterol in the blood they are less likely to suffer from a heart attack and stroke.
Try This! A cup of honey water a day strengthens the immune system, relieves sore throat and stomach ache, is nutritious, detoxifies the body, cleanses the face and reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke!
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