Title : This is how to remove warts and skin tags with hydrogen peroxide
link : This is how to remove warts and skin tags with hydrogen peroxide
This is how to remove warts and skin tags with hydrogen peroxide
warts and skin tags look very ugly on the skin, right? And if you have more, you have probably visited a dermatologist to seek advice on how to get rid of them.
have already written about these two skin diseases because they are very common. They can be removed with apple cider vinegar, but you can also try the same thing using hydrogen peroxide.
Now, read this post that covers skin tag and wart removal-hydrogen peroxide other substance.
What is a skin tag and how to recognize skin
A skin tag (aka acrocordón ) is a small skin tag can be squatting (sessile) or on a stalk (peduncle) . Skin tags commonly occur in the neck, armpits, upper chest, groin, and eyelids. They usually are benign and usually occur after midlife. These small benign skin tumors usually do not cause symptoms unless repeatedly irritated as, for example, by a collar or a belt.
box marks on the skin
If a skin tag is irritating or cosmetically unwanted, treatment may involve freezing the skin tag with liquid nitrogen or cutting the skin tag with scissors or scalpel .
Factors that increase the likelihood of skin tags are:
- genetics of the person
- fatness and
- diabetic condition.
Skin tags are a more common condition among pregnant women due to hormonal changes in the months pregnant. They are generally more skin folds in the body where skin rubs against the skin. Such points are the armpits, groin, under the breasts, eyelids and neck, but can occur anywhere in the body. According to the NIH (National Institutes of Health) US, approximately 46% of people have at least one skin tag, and most people will at least 1 common wart at some point in their aging.
What is a wart and how to recognize skin
box warts
A wart (aka verruca vulgaris ) is a solid growth with a rough surface on a local outer layer of the skin (ie the epidermis) caused by virus , on all types of HPV (papilloma human), which causes an infection in which the top layer of the skin grows too fast. The wart virus (one papillomavirus ) it is transmitted by physical contact. Contact can be with a wart on the skin of another person or a wart on the skin of oneself ( auto-transmission or autoinoculation ).
Warts that form on the top of the foot or on top of the hands and fingers, are classified as common warts . A wart on the sole (called 'plantar surface' ) is a plantar wart, and this can be quite painful. Venereal or genital warts are found on the genitals and are transmitted through sexual contact ( intercourse ), so they are a form of sexually transmitted disease (STD).
The word wart Old English origins. The medical term for a wart is wart (which actually is the Latin name for a wart). The most common type of wart is verruca vulgaris . A wart in medicine is also called by its name in Spanish - wart .
An important factor that increases the possibility of developing a wart is broken skin through which the virus can enter the top layer of the skin through scratches or cuts. This virus is bad because apart from causing warts on the skin that can spread to other parts of the body. It is transmitted through contact of skin to skin contact or towels or shoes of those infected. Therefore, it is better to treat warts as soon as they appear.
How can treat the spread of skin tags and warts?
You can use pharmaceuticals over-the-counter to treat warts, or visit a dermatologist who can perform skin tag and treatment of warts using medical removal techniques, but can also treat these conditions with hydrogen peroxide.
I IMPORTANT NOTE: Before attempting to remove the skin growth at home, you need to know that will remove tags or warts of the skin - which are considered benign conditions. Do not try to remove a lunar or any other suspicious skin lesion that can be malignant. What you are trying to eliminate it should have been examined and diagnosed by a health professional as a mark on the skin harmless and nothing else previously.
Hydrogen peroxide has the power to remove skin blemishes and warts
Hydrogen peroxide it is a natural astringent and bleaching agent that can be purchased in varying concentrations in pharmacies. It can be used for a number of purposes, including:
1. Tooth whitening
2. Treatment of persistent nail fungus
3. removing stubborn stains from surfaces, while disinfection.
What power of hydrogen peroxide to use for retirement?
Although the weaker solutions can be found in almost any drug store, to remove skin blemishes or warts that are needed to buy 35% peroxide food grade hydrogen . This is unlikely to be found in pharmacies, but can be purchased online.
Important note: This higher percentage solution should be stored in a cool place away from light direct sunlight, and in a dark, such as heat and light container can cause the hydrogen peroxide decompose faster. For a longer product life, store it in the freezer.
The higher the percentage, the more cautious you need to be! Make sure the bottle is clearly marked and keep it away from children and pets because it can be very toxic if swallowed. is a flammable solution, so you should stay away from heat, sparks, open flames and hot surfaces! Remove all sources of ignition and remove combustible materials!
also consider that hydrogen peroxide grade food is a 35%, and is significantly more caustic ( acid ) than 3% solution can usually be found in stores.
This is how to remove skin blemishes and warts with hydrogen peroxide
get rid of skin tags and warts peroxide is surprisingly simple, but it requires perseverance. To do this, the following equipment is required:
- 35% hydrogen peroxide for food use
- buds clean cotton
- a nail file or pumice stone (for plantar warts raw)
If you are trying a plantar wart or wart, archive the top layer of skin on the wart before using this method. Soak the end cotton swab in undiluted solution of hydrogen peroxide food grade, and then wipe the wart or skin tag carefully.
Make sure you do not hit any healthy, normal, with hydrogen peroxide skin, as this may sting a bit and can damage healthy skin.
For best results, repeat this treatment three to five times a day for a week or two.
Initially, the skin around the wart or skin tag may become whitish. This is normal and means that the remedy is working. Keeping up with treatment until blackens warts and the ways a scab (a layer in the form of skin film) , which eventually it falls.
This may happen within only a few days of application, or may take longer to disappear, as plantar warts are deeper and often require longer treatment.
If this fails, you can try the apple cider vinegar instead.
precautions when using HYDROGEN PEROXIDE
- DO NOT use hydrogen peroxide to remove stains on the skin around the eyelids, as you can damage your eyes. If you accidentally comes into contact with the eyes or other sensitive area, wash the area with large amounts of water for several minutes immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor .
-. Note that 35% hydrogen peroxide is a very strong solution, so if the wart is in a sensitive area, dilute with water, or as best precaution, do not use this technique in all
- Apply the solution only directly to the area affected, avoiding the skin as much as possible around
- in case of fire :. Use water to extinguish
Source :.
National Institutes of Health US
The post This is how to remove warts and skin tags with hydrogen peroxide appeared first on http://www.dietoflife.com/remove-warts-skin-tags-hydrogen-peroxide/
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