6 ways to address nausea Naturally morning

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6 ways to address nausea Naturally morning

morning sickness - dr. axe
Nausea during pregnancy - more commonly known as morning sickness - is a common symptom that many mothers to-be experience, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. Estimates show that 50 percent to 80 percent of all pregnant women from morning sickness at some point during their pregnancy . And many of these women feel nauseous for much of the day, far beyond the morning hours. ( 1 )

In the medical community, morning sickness is sometimes known as nausea and vomiting of pregnancy. Something that may surprise you about morning sickness? In fact, there are some good news associated with nausea during pregnancy. According to the Institute of Health Sciences in Oxford, research shows that morning sickness actually seems to have a positive effect on the outcome of pregnancy and is associated with improved maternal health, childbirth and newborn baby. New mothers who experience morning sickness are at a decreased risk of having a miscarriage. The baby is also less likely to be given to premature delivery or low birth weight. ( 2 )

That said, morning sickness can be very unpleasant to deal with, especially when a mother-to-be stops to eat enough or lasts months extreme. Researchers do not yet have concrete answers about the exact causes of morning sickness, despite factors including fluctuations in blood sugar and have a body mass (body mass index ) before pregnancy thus appear to play a role.

What can you do to help reduce the frequency and severity of morning sickness? Some ways to help prevent and treat nausea or other digestive problems during pregnancy include achieving a healthy weight before pregnancy, eating healthy meals regularly throughout the day, and use natural remedies such as essential oils and exercise.

Natural remedies for morning sickness Top

1. Avoid foods that make the disease worse tomorrow

it is normal morning sickness to cause a decrease in appetite and cravings. Experts believe that this could be the body's natural way of blocking the embryo from chemicals potentially hazardous foods, especially those from the foods easily become spoiled or toxic when uncooled (such as meat) . If you experience morning sickness, it is not absolutely necessary to force yourself to eat things you do not agree with you (even if they super foods for pregnancy ). Instead, eat a lot of healthy things that can be well tolerated

Although every pregnant woman is different in that aversions and cravings for food, common foods to avoid during nausea pregnancy include :.

  • alcohol and caffeine: alcohol can damage the embryo / fetus and should be avoided during pregnancy for many reasons. This advice is usually quite easy for the pregnant woman to comply, as many experience very strong aversion to alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages (mainly caffeine) anyway
  • strong flavor or vegetable smell :. although vegetables are rich in nutrients and important foods in a healthy diet in general, if not agree with you for several weeks, which is well ignore them. strong flavor vegetables that can cause vomiting and loss of appetite are bitter greens, broccoli, mushrooms or cauliflower. Instead, focus on eating softer vegetables like squash, tomatoes or carrots
  • Low quality meat, fish, poultry and eggs :. Many studies show that a high percentage of pregnant women experience reduced for products of animal origin appetite when you experience morning sickness. An intercultural analysis found that among the 20 traditional societies in which there has been morning sickness, along with seven companies in which it has never seen, those who have much lower incidence of morning sickness tend to consume less animal origin in general. Companies in which rates of morning sickness are low are unlikely to include animal products such as staple foods. Instead, it is more likely to focus on plant foods. One reason for this may be true is because animal products of low quality become dangerous for pregnant women and their embryos if they contain parasites and pathogens . (This is most likely to occur when you are not cool or when they are stored at room temperature in hot climates This causes bacteria to grow ..)
  • fat, fatty foods: is harder to digest foods that are high in fat and fat, especially trans fats and hydrogenated fats. Skip fried foods, fatty cuts of meat, a lot of cheese and foods made with refined vegetable oils (such as safflower, corn, sunflower oil)
  • salty, processed / packaged foods :. The most packaged foods are high in salt, sugar, refined fats, preservatives and artificial ingredients that are not good for you or your baby. Fresh low processed, cooked foods that are not too spicy tend to be easier to digest. You can also avoid excessive intake of sodium / salt by reducing processed foods and ultra processed food , which may contribute to dizziness, weakness and other complications.

2. Eating foods that help reduce symptoms of morning sickness

Pregnant women are more vulnerable to severe infections, even death. This means it is crucial to support a strong immune system and prevent nutrient deficiencies as much as possible. That said, when they strongly dislike certain foods during pregnancy, there is no need to force it. Most likely there is another food that provides similar nutrients does not cause nausea
morning sickness - dr. axe

Foods that can help the symptoms of lower morning sickness include: .

  • Ginger (ginger root, ginger tea or ginger fresh slices): Ginger root has been used for thousands of years to naturally curb nausea. It is an anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmatic, infection-prevention natural and relieves the digestive tract due to its gingerol active ingredient. ( 3 ) Use grated ginger when cooking, drinking ginger tea is cooled or heated, or even real ginger chews chewing mints or between meals.
  • Any vegetables that can tolerate : These serve as important sources of antioxidants and fiber
  • Fresh fruit :. fruits such as berries, apples, kiwi, citrus and melons are high in antioxidants as vitamin C and other vitamins, fiber and water
  • starchy vegetables :. Starchy vegetables like potatoes, turnips and winter squash are high in carbohydrates, low in protein, low fat, low salt and easy to digest. They also provide important nutrients like beta-carotene and fiber
  • Soups and bone broth .. These serve as a great source of nutrients such as collagen and electrolytes
  • organic / dairy products without sugar :. These provide protein and important nutrients like potassium and magnesium
  • Healthy fats nuts, seeds, avocado , olive oil and coconut oil provide essential fatty acids and are easy to digest

Other dietary advice to help deal with nausea and vomiting during. pregnancy include:

  • not skip breakfast . Eating something early in the day, and if you start to feel nauseous, try something bland like toast.
  • Eat small meals during the day rather than several large meals. Try not to go more than three or four hours without a snack.
  • Drink lots of water or herbal tea. It is very important stay hydrated . It is best to drink beverages with low sugar or juice instead of sugary drinks, but a little Seltzer enriched with fresh juice can also help you consume more water. You can also add fresh mint, lemon or grapefruit juice, raw honey, basil, ginger or juice / soda water to help you find more attractive.
  • take your prenatal vitamins at night or with a sandwich instead of in the morning.

3. Take supplements to reduce the symptoms of morning sickness

Before taking herbal supplements, it is a good idea to run them with your doctor, especially if you take medications. Interactions can occur sometimes, even when a herbal product is natural, so err on the safe side. That said, supplements and treatments herbal used below are often prescribed for pregnant women to help safely disease symptoms sidewalk in the morning: ( 4 )

  • ginger (tablets, essential oil of ginger or extract) :. Not only curb nausea and vomiting, but these supplements can also relieve colic, indigestion, diarrhea, cramps and other stomach pains
  • magnesium and calcium :. These are important to reduce muscle cramps and reduce other symptoms associated with nausea, such as dizziness and headaches
  • Vitamin D: the best way to get vitamin D is to spend abut 20 minutes outside on the Sun. However, a supplement may help if this is not possible
  • Probiotics :. These supplements guts to use help establish a healthy digestive and immune system, reduce the risk of complications
  • omega-3 fatty acids : . These help reduce inflammation that can contribute to hormonal and digestive problems issues
  • Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12: Tomar. Vitamin B6 (50 milligrams) per day has been shown to help relieve nausea induced by pregnancy. Vitamin B12 can also reduce fatigue and help digestion.

4. Try

Acupuncture Acupuncture , hypnosis and meditation help many women feel calmer. This is important for the control of pain and digestion. A blind, randomized, controlled study in a maternity hospital in Australia tested whether acupuncture treatments may help reduce nausea, retching and vomiting in pregnant women. The researchers found that most participants experienced positive results in the course of four weeks compared to a placebo group. ( 5 )

5. Use the key essential oils

Aromatherapy helps many women feel more relaxed and eases digestion. Essential oils that can help calm your stomach, lower cramps, and improve your mood or appetite are ginger, chamomile, lavender, incense, mint and lemon. Inhale through a diffuser, or add a few drops to a bath for best results.

6. Exercise of moderate intensity

The benefits of exercise extend not disappear just because a woman is pregnant. In fact, exercise can help promote a healthy pregnancy. Most women can resume their usual exercise routines in their first quarters, although it may be necessary to take the intensity down a notch. Exercise can help control the nerves that could contribute to nausea and regulate hormones and improve appetite. ( 6 )

Studies also show that exercise helps release natural endorphins that can reduce pain and digestive feel happier and more alert. It starts with for about 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise most days of the week, including walking (especially outdoors), prenatal yoga, swimming and cycling.

Symptoms morning sickness

When morning sickness starts? The first trimester of pregnancy (around one to 12 weeks) is famous for causing a series of unwanted symptoms, especially loss of appetite and vomiting associated with morning sickness. Many pregnant women start experiencing nausea only two to three weeks after conception, sometimes along with other signs and symptoms such as bloodstains and breast tenderness. For most, however, morning sickness begins between weeks four nine.

How do you feel morning sickness as for most women? An ongoing joke among pregnant women appears to be that "morning sickness" should really be called "all sick days" or even "late disease" because digestive problems can actually occur at any time.

According to the What to Expect website, common symptoms of morning sickness may include: ( 7 )

  • feel sick / nauseous (this can happen after getting up in the morning, but other times of the day or even all day)
  • vomiting
  • decreased appetite, especially for vegetables, meat, eggs and drinks alcohol and caffeine
  • stomach cramps
  • other symptoms that occur at the same time, such as headaches , fatigue, loss of weight, dizziness, sweating, nervousness and pain

how long-term illness Wondering morning? Most pregnant women (but not all) feel relief from morning sickness after around 14-16 weeks. A smaller percentage beginning to experience a decrease in nausea and increased appetite between 20-22 weeks, and finally a small (but unlucky) group of women have morning sickness during most of their pregnancy until delivery. ( 8 )

Morning sickness seems to be especially common among mothers (perhaps due to excitement / anxiety / nervousness is higher), but about 20 percent of women who have nausea during their first pregnancies develop again during their next pregnancy as well.

And if you're wondering if it's a bad thing not feel nauseous or have morning sickness, the answer is no, fortunately. Some women experience no symptoms of morning sickness at all for a healthy pregnancy , and this is perfectly fine, though not very common!

What causes morning sickness?

Experts believe that morning sickness is mainly triggered by changes in hormone levels, especially the increase of HCG and estrogen levels. Fluctuations in these hormones are normal and affect all women differently. Studies have found that morning sickness symptoms are more common among white women and the Middle East, those living in Western countries, and urban populations, but rare among African Americans, Native Americans, Eskimos and most Asian populations. . ( 9 ) This means it is likely that genetic and / or cultural factors influence hormone levels that trigger morning sickness

Other factors that make you more likely to face morning sickness include: ( 10 )

  • younger age - younger women are more nausea and rates of vomiting during pregnancy
  • who she is under 12 years of education and low income
  • being overweight or obese
  • being a mom for the first time - women who are pregnant for the first time tend to have morning sickness, although this is not 't always the case
  • twins or triplets
  • having a mother who experienced problems with nausea in pregnancy
  • who has a history of digestive problems dizziness [quellevan, migraines and dizziness
  • who have a history of nausea when oral contraceptives containing estrogen ([take19459059] birth control pills )

morning sickness are dangerous for the mother or baby?

for most women, no, it is not. However, a small percentage of women have prolonged symptoms ranging until delivery, which can cause malnutrition and increased risk of birth defects course. Women with nausea and vomiting during pregnancy can sometimes develop a condition called hyperemesis gravidarum (HG), which when left untreated can cause serious damage to the growing fetus and sometimes even defects birth and death. For pregnant women, symptoms may include electrolyte imbalance , rapid weight loss, dehydration, micronutrient deficiency and muscle weakness. HG is rare, however, especially in comparison with the normal morning sickness. HG occurs only between 0.3 percent to 2 percent of all pregnancies. ( 11 )

While some women seek help or even medications to treat the symptoms of morning sickness during pregnancy, doctors often advise most women avoid prescription drug or as much as possible, to wait out, and to listen to their bodies. Many pregnant women fear that skipping meals, eating less and vomiting may damage the embryo / fetus, but doctors usually advise women to continue their appetites (and even aversions) and make sure drink enough water , rather than forcing themselves to eat certain things. As we shall see, nausea and vomiting during pregnancy actually have some benefits, so it is good for a period of time to listen to what your body is telling you.

said, if you experience these morning sickness symptoms for a prolonged period of time, talk to your doctor immediately because it could cause complications: severe vomiting, urine is dark in color and not be able to retain fluids, fainting, which has a racing heart or vomiting blood. ( 12 )

Can morning sickness actually be beneficial?

Although morning sickness can be very uncomfortable and inconvenient, you gladly might be known for a good cause. Numerous studies have found that women who experience morning sickness are significantly less likely to have an abortion than women who do not, and women who vomit suffer fewer miscarriages than those who experience nausea alone.

Several hypotheses have been developed over the last century as to why pregnant women dealing with nausea. According to the Department of Neurobiology and Behavior at Cornell University, currently is believed that morning sickness serves as an adaptive feature that helps to: ( 13 )

  • support the development of the fetus and placenta changing certain hormone levels
  • make partition calories mom's body and nutrients consumed when used for growing baby / placenta, instead of being stored as body
  • fat
  • reduce anxiety and appetite of ingredients, chemicals and foods that can harm the baby or cause weight gain too
  • protect the mother of infections, illness and even death during a period in pregnancy when the immune system
  • deleted
  • Force pregnant to reach a healthy weight from early pregnancy woman if she was overweight to begin

How morning sickness can help protect mother and baby

Evidence suggests there may be a positive relationship between morning sickness and has a body mass index greater pre-conceptional. In other words, women who are underweight tend to experience less severe symptoms of morning sickness compared with women with a BMI pre-conceptional normal or high. This could be the body's natural way to help pregnant women reach a healthy weight before entering the second and third trimester of pregnancy, when body weight increases even more.

Some research shows that morning sickness can cause increased secretion of hormones, including HCG and thyroxine , which reduce the appetite of women. At the same time, a decrease in the secretion of anabolic hormones, including insulin and factor insulin-like-1 (IGF-1) growth can occur, which also help control appetite, body weight, blood sugar levels and cravings. Morning sickness not only results in decreased appetite and reduced food cravings for most women, but also changes the way that certain hormones that control the growth of the placenta and fetus occur.

In early pregnancy, nausea and vomiting can help stimulate the growth of the placenta and also make pregnancy mother-to-be to avoid foods, toxins and chemicals that can be potentially harmful to the fetus. In fact, there is a correlation between increased intensity and frequency of morning sickness and the point that during pregnancy the fetus and placenta are more susceptible to damage from toxins and certain chemicals (between six weeks and 18) . This is exactly why many women experience more nausea / vomiting during the first quarter and then tend to feel better about the middle or end of their pregnancies.

Now the hypothesis that morning sickness protects both the embryo and the pregnant woman by forcing women to physically expel and avoid foods that contain chemicals "teratogenic and abortifacient" products that can be found in things like vegetables taste strong, caffeinated beverages, meat and alcohol. Researchers also believe that morning sickness helps ensure that the calories and nutrients consumed by the mother are used to develop the placenta instead of being stored as body fat or tissue. And finally, morning sickness could protect the mother infection and disease during a period in pregnancy when the immune system is depressed, while reducing the chances of tissue rejection of the woman's body of developing offspring.

late in the treatment of morning sickness Thoughts

  • Nausea because of the "morning sickness" is very common, affecting up to 80 percent of pregnant women, but usually is not harmful in most cases.
  • symptoms of morning sickness are caused by hormonal changes, although these are very normal and even beneficial effects for the baby and the mother.
  • Foods that can make morning sickness worse include fatty / greasy foods, high sodium poor food packaging, strong-smelling vegetables and excess animal protein.
  • Tips to reduce morning sickness include staying hydrated, eat fresh fruits, drinking ginger, the use of essential oils and keep up with exercise as long as possible.

The post 6 ways to address nausea Naturally morning appeared first on http://draxe.com/morning-sickness/

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